The Historical Development Of Feminism -

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The History of Feminism The Historical Development Of Feminism.

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The Historical Development Of Feminism


Feminist sociology is a conflict theory and theoretical perspective which observes gender in its relation to power, both at the level of face-to-face interaction and reflexivity within The Historical Development Of Feminism social structure at large. Focuses include sexual orientationraceeconomic statusand nationality.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman 's work helped formalize feminist theory during the s. Growing up, she went against traditional holds that were placed on her by society by focusing on reading and learning concepts different from women who were taught to be housewives. Her main focus was on gender inequality between men and women along with gender roles placed on by The Historical Development Of Feminism. Where men go to work secure proper income for the family while women stay at home and tend to the family along with household chores.

She "emphasized how differential socialization leads to gender inequality," article source she did agree that biologically there is a difference between those born Developkent female and male parts. Parts of her research involved a theoretical orientation of a multidimensional approach Thee gender and discusses it more in depth in her book Women and Economics. Due to gender roles she believed that women pretended to live a certain life to avoid achieving their full potential living the role of a housewife. This is an example of a neurological theory, as developed by Sigmund Freudwhich is cultivated using a psychoanalysis process called conscious and subconscious state of mind. The specific example given would be considered falling under false consciousness instead of the consciousness that helps control our daily lives. Leading the belief that women are viewed as property of their husbands, economically women were still dependent on Feminosm to provide financial support to themselves and their family.

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Gilman argued furthermore that the traditional division of labor was not biologically driven, but instead forced upon women based on the structure of society since before the nineteenth century. Society played a big role for women and their actions in their daily lives. Gilman described The Historical Development Of Feminism as a sociobiological tragedy because women are disregarded as being part of the ideology of "survival of the fittest". Instead, females are thought to be soft and weak individuals that are only good for productive purposes, and are depicted as emotional and frail beings born to serve their husbands, children, and family without living for themselves. Gilman's research was conducted during a time where women engaged in science were unheard of and when women were barred from voting.

Her research helped create a ripple effect, along with other female sociologists, that helped pave the way for feminism, and concepts related to feminist theory. The study of sociology had been mostly androcentric up until the s, when sociological thinking began to shift to focus on women. Kennedyoutlawed the wage disparity based on sex Grady. While the Equal Pay Act focused solely on equal pay for equal work regardless of sex, Title VII of the Go here Rights Act was passed in a fight against discrimination of any kind in the workplace.

The Historical Development Of Feminism

A major form of discrimination many women face in the workplace is sexual harassment. Starting in the early s, several instances of sexual harassment and abuse became well known and started a push for women to open about their own encounters with harassment.

The Historical Development Of Feminism

The allegations by Anita Young that Justice Clarence Thomas had sexually harassed her was one of these instances. This social shift led to a change continue reading attitude over bodily autonomy, and boundaries within the workplace, and throughout life. Beginning in the mid s, women began to come forward with sexual harassment complaints and sexual assault allegations against their male counterparts, Developmemt led to Fsminism movement of drastically increased numbers of women taking a stance against sexual violence, leading to society recognizing there is a fundamental problem concerning sexual harassment Grady.

Many feminist sociologists argue that the intersectionality of women, especially click it comes to The Historical Development Of Feminism, can no longer be ignored by the growing feminist movement. Due to the increase in popularity of this outlook, there has been a rise of transnational feminists stressing the idea that feminism should not be seen as an exclusively Western-centric idea, but that it must be able to adapt in order to incorporate the context and complications of individual cultures and traditions.]

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