The Evolution of a Horse -

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Many today disagree as to the accuracy of the depicted evolution of the horse. This due to the missing time frames and shortage of fossils in those periods, those same people claim that the transfer from 3 toes to one toe is degeneration and not evolution. Your opinions may be swayed but fact is, we have horses, and they came from somewhere. So we went to find out just how the modern horse or pony came to be. About 5 million years ago okay give or take a few hundred thousand years. Equus were about the size of a donkey with a donkey like head medium length ears, it had stripes like a zebra, with short upright shoulders and short stiff manes and tails, well you get the idea. The Evolution of a Horse

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THE EVOLUTION OF HORSES History ⒹⒾⓈⒸⓄⓋⒺⓇⓎ Nature (documentary) The Evolution of a Horse

A number of hypotheses exist on many of the key issues regarding the domestication of the horse.

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Although horses appeared in Paleolithic cave art as early as 30, BCE, these were wild horses and were probably hunted for meat. Article source and when horses became domesticated is disputed. The clearest evidence of early use of the horse as a means of transport is from chariot burials dated c. However, an increasing amount of evidence supports the hypothesis that horses were domesticated in the Eurasian Steppes approximately BCE; [1] [2] [3] recent discoveries in the context of the Botai culture suggest that Botai settlements in the Akmola Province of Kazakhstan are the Hofse of the earliest domestication of the horse.

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Use of horses spread across Eurasia for transportation, agricultural workand warfare. The date of the domestication of the horse depends to some degree upon the definition of "domestication". Some zoologists define "domestication" as human control over breeding, which can be detected in ancient skeletal samples by changes in the size and variability of ancient horse populations. Other Evoution look at the broader evidence, including skeletal and dental evidence of working activity; weapons, art, and spiritual artifacts; and lifestyle patterns of human cultures.

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There is also evidence that horses were kept as meat animals prior to being trained as working animals. Attempts to date domestication by genetic study or analysis of physical remains rests on the assumption that there was a separation of the genotypes of domesticated and wild populations.

Such a separation appears to have taken place, but dates based on such methods can only produce an estimate of the latest possible date for domestication without excluding the possibility of an unknown period of earlier gene-flow between wild and domestic populations which will occur naturally as long as the domesticated population is kept within the habitat of the wild population.

The Evolution of a Horse

Further, all modern horse populations retain the ability to revert to a feral stateand all feral horses are of domestic types; that is, they descend from ancestors that escaped from captivity. Whether one adopts the narrower zoological definition of domestication or the broader cultural The Evolution of a Horse that rests on an array of zoological and archaeological evidence affects the time frame chosen for domestication of the horse. The date of BCE is based on evidence that includes the appearance of dental pathologies associated with bitting, changes in butchering practices, changes in human economies and settlement patterns, the depiction of horses as symbols of power in artifactsand the appearance of horse bones in human graves.

The Evolution of a Horse

Use of horses spread across Eurasia for transportation, agricultural work and warfare. Horses and mules in agriculture used a breastplate type harness or a yoke more suitable for oxenwhich was not as efficient at utilizing the full strength of the animals as the later-invented horse collar that arose several millennia later.

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A study analyzed the mitochondrial DNA mtDNA of a worldwide range of equidsfrom 53,year-old fossils to contemporary source. The true horse included prehistoric horses and the Przewalski's Horseas well as what is now the modern domestic horse, belonged to a single Holarctic species. The true horse migrated from the Americas to Eurasia via Beringiabecoming broadly distributed from North America to central Europe, north and south of Pleistocene ice sheets.]

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