The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing -

The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing

The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing - apologise

Read terms. This document reflects emerging clinical and scientific advances as of the date issued and is subject to change. The information should not be construed as dictating an exclusive course of treatment or procedure to be followed. Clinicians should be able to identify patients within their practices who are candidates for genetic testing. Candidates will include patients who are pregnant or considering pregnancy and are at risk for giving birth to affected children as well as gynecology patients who, for example, may have or be predisposed to certain types of cancer. The purpose of this Committee Opinion is to review some of the ethical issues related to genetic testing and provide guidelines for the appropriate use of genetic tests by obstetrician—gynecologists. Expert consultation and referral are likely to be needed when obstetrician—gynecologists are confronted with these issues.

The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing - bad

The National Research Council and Institute of Medicine held a symposium to explore the health, policy, and ethical implications of… read more. The National Research Council and Institute of Medicine held a symposium to explore the health, policy, and ethical implications of direct-to-consumer genetic testing. Scientists spoke about the development and use of direct-to-consumer genetic tests. Among the issues they addressed were their uncertain analytical and clinical validity, questionable clinical utility, future types of genetic testing, possible regulation to protect consumers, and ethical issues associated with marketing genetic tests. Participants responded to questions from the audience. The National Research Council and Institute of Medicine held a symposium to explore the health, policy, and ethical…. Witnesses testified on the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and legislation that would promote the residential use…. Frederick Anderson Attorney. Jonathan D. More information about Consumer Genetic Testing Issues.

The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing Video

Ethical Considerations of Genetic Testing - Kimberly A. Quaid The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing

Advancing fair access to evidence-based pregnancy-related services is a critical public health priority. It is widely recognized that there are inequalities in lifesaving interventions. This chapter however addresses issues raised by services whose value or utility are contested. Using illustrative examples of prenatal genetic testing and modes of childbirth, the chapter highlights the ways in which issues of access are complicated by social and source ideas about what is valued; discusses contested questions about The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing is ethically responsible og required of patients, providers, and public health systems in these reproductive health contexts; and addresses areas of needed research and further ethical analysis.

It concludes that issues of access in pregnancy-related care must attend both to broad issues of justice and access and to particular ways that pregnancy services are valued, debated, and made available to women who might—or might not—benefit from them.

Book Subject Areas

Keywords: pregnancychildbirthjusticeprenatal genetic testingreproductive healthpublic health ethics. Access to pregnancy-related services raises several important issues for public health ethics.

The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing

Most obvious are inequalities in access to services that are critical to important health outcomes for the pregnant woman and her child. Access to skilled birth attendants and other evidence-based interventions, such as magnesium sulfate for eclampsia prevention, are associated with reduced rates of maternal mortality Nour, Yet there are enormous disparities between and within countries in access to such interventions, raising issues of justice. Even within high-income countries, disparities in outcomes, including maternal mortality, are significant and problematic APHA, A critical issue for public health ethics is addressing the often complex sources of these inequalities, and working toward universal access to the key health care services that reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. Much of pregnancy-related Issurs is about provision of services and care whose value or utility is not primarily or exhaustively about direct medical benefit. These include access to Teating for women who do not want to become mothers; access to assistance in achieving a biologically related child; and access to meaningful choice and control in how a woman will give birth, care for her newborn, and integrate parenting, work, and future reproductive The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing.

The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing

These are services that merit highly personal decisions, and that intersect with individual and societal values in ways that can be hidden, contested, and varied. For instance, when describing barriers to access to pregnancy-related services, implicit value judgments about whose reproduction is valued can inform and tacitly shape analyses regarding fertility, and whether to assist or control it.

Stratified reproduction is emblematized by the shameful history in the United States of eugenic sterilization programs that targeted immigrants as well as individuals who were working class, poor, mentally disabled, or racial minorities. But stratified reproduction continues to operate today, albeit in more nuanced ways. It manifests as implicit biases about whose The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing is valued and howwhich in turn shape access to a range of reproductive and pregnancy-related services.

More familiar are ways in which certain pregnancy-related services run into profoundly contested values.

Prenatal Genetic Testing

Access to abortion is the obvious example. Much discussion has addressed whether and under what conditions abortion services should be made available, as well as what individuals or institutions should pay for or provide them Stulberg, Jackson, Heroism Freedman, More subtle, though, if only because they shadow public health discussions even for those generally supportive of abortion access, are discussions of selective abortion for disability or sex, and how public health decisions about access should frame the values at stake. Many decisions around pregnancy are less like decisions about setting broken bones i. Yet this ideal masks the challenges and ethical trade-offs that are inherent in such contexts. Accommodating choice itself comes with costs, including social resources.

In each case we highlight the ways in which issues of access are complicated by social and cultural ideas about what is valued; discuss contested questions about what is ethically responsible or required of patients, providers, and public health systems in these reproductive The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing contexts; and address areas of needed research and further ethical analysis. Antenatal care is a prime example of a service whose remit has been expanding in ways that magnify several underlying ethical complexities inherent to health care.]

The Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing

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