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Columbine Health Systems has been the very lucky recipient of the first doses of vaccine through the federal Long Term Care program. Walgreens has been our vaccine provider. We could not have asked for a better partner!
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Their staff are kind, caring, competent, efficient and dedicated to ensuring our residents and staff receive both of their vaccines. While the Long Term Care partnership program is absolutely amazing, our independent living residents and patio home tenants were not included. We felt a great sense of responsibility to vaccinate these residents as well. A quick call from UCHealth asking if we have vaccine needs and could they partner with us to pilot a community vaccine clinic?
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You bet! Please read below a poem from our resident at The Worthington, Irene B. So, showered and coiffed at the immunization center I arrived at the first station. Being told to wait, I adjusted the shield I was given, looked around the room Tye felt an aura of anticipation. All was orderly at one, two, three and four.
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Medical staff and volunteers knew what they were doing. I could not ask for anything better or more!
Questions were asked. Answers were given.
After enjoying some orange juice during a short observation wait I was told I was free to depart. More from Columbine Health Systems:. Sponsored Content.]
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Excellent idea
It is a pity, that now I can not express - I am late for a meeting. I will be released - I will necessarily express the opinion.