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The Effect Of Temperature Light Orientation And

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Class VII Geography The Effect Of Temperature Light Orientation And

February 3, report.

The Effect Of Temperature Light Orientation And

A team of researchers from, Lund University, the University of Stellenbosch and the Western Cape Department of Agriculture for South Africa has learned more about how animals cope with rising temperatures by studying ostriches living in South Africa. In their paper published in the journal Nature Communicationsthe group describes studying multiple attributes of reproduction in ostriches over a year-period, and what they learned about them and their ability to adapt to climate change.

The Effect Of Temperature Light Orientation And

As the world continues to grow warmer due to human activities, scientists around the world try to understand what the future natural world may look like. One way to do that is by studying species to see how they have coped thus far. In this new effort, the researchers looked at the biggest bird in the world—the ostrich. The researchers picked ostriches for their study because prior research has shown that they are Tempefature to adapt to a remarkable range of ecosystems—some hot and some cold.

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To learn more about how they might be adapting to climate changethe team pored over data collected over a year period for ostriches living on the Oudtshoorn Research Farm in South Africa. The farm Lightt houses 1, adult ostriches. To maintain the population, the birds have been kept in pairs. The researchers have also tried to keep the birds living in conditions as natural as possible, so they have had to endure both hot and cold temperatures.

The researchers found that despite their ability to adapt to a wide range of temperatures in the long term, the birds were not very good at adapting in the short term.

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They found that the number of eggs a Ans laid was reduced during both hot and cold spells—though the size of the eggs changed. Hot weather tended to result in larger eggs, suggesting that the mothers were willing to invest more of themselves to reproduce as conditions grew hotter.

The Effect Of Temperature Light Orientation And

The researchers also found that males tended to produce less sperm doing hot or cold periods.]

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