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Terrorism Is Not A Problem Exclusive

Terrorism Is Not A Problem Exclusive Video

Why domestic terrorism is an underestimated national threat Terrorism Is Not A Problem Exclusive

Critical terrorism studies CTS applies a critical theory approach rooted in counter-hegemonic and politically progressive critical theory to the study of terrorism.

Terrorism Is Not A Problem Exclusive

Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, ; there has been a massive increase in research related to terrorism. Terrorism has become one of the most powerful signifiers in contemporary society with the term generating vast amounts of social and political activity. It has also become a cultural taboo which invokes emotions — fear and hatred. Tetrorism

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According to Jeroen Gunning: "core epistemological, methodological and political-normative problems persist, ranging from lack of conceptual clarity and theoretical sterility to political bias and a continuing dearth of primary research data". With its origins in the Frankfurt School of critical theory, and the Welsh School of critical security studies in which the primary referent to be secured is individuals not statesCTS is a self-reflective, Terrorism Is Not A Problem Exclusive approach to the study of terrorism which challenges the ontological, epistemological and ideological commitments of mainstream terrorism scholars.

CTS aims to approach terrorism studies from a critical angle, that is, to encourage and further the adoption of a more self-consciously critical approach to the study of terrorism. Such as the critical approach that some anthropology scholars have taken. These alternative approaches have "had little cross-fertilization with the orthodox field and have largely failed to alter its practices, priorities, approaches, outputs and myths".

Terrorism Is Not A Problem Exclusive

Prompted by the growing unease over the state of current terrorism research, and the relationship between much orthodox terrorism research and the institutions of state power, CTS sets out to "stimulate, encourage, and more clearly articulate the nascent but observable 'critical turn' that was starting to become visible within the broader terrorism studies field".

CTS scholars argue that terrorism should be de-exceptionalised as a form article source political violence, not singled out as a unique form of "evil" violence, but should be treated as other forms of political violence are. Hermanwho published critical works relating to the state and terrorism from the late s.


About Kyle Shideler

This book was a critical appraisal of many of the international community's commonly-held assumptions about terrorism. Jackson called for scholars to resist the current terrorism studies discourse: "I believe we Terrorism Is Not A Problem Exclusive an ethical duty to resist the discourse, to deconstruct it at every opportunity and continually to interrogate the exercise of power". In his "A case for Critical Terrorism Studies", Gunning calls for a critical approach that will "encourage Peoblem to historicize and contextualize the conflict by looking at the evolution of violence, broader processes of radicalizationthe relationship between violent organizations and wider social movements, and the relationship between social movements and the state.

Terrorism Is Not A Problem Exclusive

The setting up of the journal Critical Studies in Terrorism occurred in early ]

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