Racism The Black Panther Party From The - for that
The Asian American Movement was a social movement for racial justice, most active during the late s through the mids, which brought together people of various Asian ancestries in the United States who protested against racism and U. Its founding principle of coalitional politics emphasizes solidarity among Asians of all ethnicities, multiracial solidarity among Asian Americans as well as with African, Latino, and Native Americans in the United States, and transnational solidarity with peoples around the globe impacted by U. The Movement fought for housing rights for poor people in the urban cores of San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Seattle, and Philadelphia; it created arts collectives, published newspapers and magazines, and protested vigorously against the Vietnam War. It contributed to the larger radical movement for power and justice that critiqued capitalism and neo-imperialism, which flourished during the s and s. By , Asian immigrants and their descendants had been in the United States for over a century and had engaged in various forms of resistance to racism for many decades. Previously, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, and Asian Indians participated in divergent forms of political organizing. Class-based politics aimed to gain better wages and working conditions; homeland politics attempted to bolster the international standings of their nations of origins or free them from colonial rule; assimilationist politics attempted to demonstrate that Asians were worthy of the rights and privileges of citizenship. Racism The Black Panther Party From TheCarmichael's speech and visit influenced writer Obi Egbuna. Other early members included Altheia Jones-LeCointe, as well as south Asian activists such as Farrukh Dhondy and Mala Sen under the banner of "blackness", with "Black" as a political label for all people of color.
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The BBP worked to educate Black communities and fight against racial discrimination and about Black history. They were fighting police brutality in the UK and they "emphasized their own preparedness and willingness to confront police when necessary.

Several branches existed, but the main center of the organization was in Brixton, South London. The movement reached its pinnacle with the Mangrove Nine Trial. The trial, involving members of the Panther Movement and other black activists, succeeded in fighting against police harassment of Frank Critchlow's Mangrove restaurant.

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