History Of Iran - amazonia.fiocruz.br

History Of Iran Video

Ancient History Persian Empire Documentary History Of Iran History Of Iran

The Muslim conquest of Persia — led to the end of the Sasanian Empire and the eventual decline of the Zoroastrian religion in Iran Persia.

History Of Iran

Islam has been the official religion of Iran since then, except for a short duration after the Mongol raids and establishment of Ilkhanate. Iran became an Islamic republic after the Islamic Revolution of which ended the Persian monarchy.

History Of Iran

There was a slow but steady movement of the population toward Islam. When Islam was introduced to Iranians, the nobility and city-dwellers were the first to convert, Islam spread more slowly among the peasantry and the dehqansor landed gentry. By the 10th century, the majority of Persians had become Muslim, at least nominally.

Pahlavi dynasty

However, the achievements of the previous Persian civilizations were not lost, but were to a great extent absorbed by the new Islamic polity. Though Iran is known today as a stronghold of the Shi'a Muslim faith, it did not become so until much later, around the History Of Iran century. The Safavid dynasty made Shi'a Islam the official state religion in the early sixteenth century and aggressively proselytized on its behalf. It is also believed that by the mid-seventeenth century most people in Iran, Iraq and the territory of the contemporary neighboring Republic of Azerbaijan had become Shi'as, [7] an affiliation that has continued.

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Over the following centuries, with the state-fostered rise of a Persian-based Shi'ite clergy, a synthesis was formed between Persian culture and Shi'ite Islam that https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/pathetic-fallacy-examples/use-of-direct-response-advertising-vehicles-and.php each indelibly with the tincture of the other.

Muslims conquered Iran in the time of Umar and conquered it after several great battles. Yazdegerd III fled from one district to another Merv in Irxn As Bernard Lewis has quoted [9].

History Of Iran

Both perceptions are of course valid, depending on one's angle of Irxn. Under Umar and his immediate successors, the History Of Iran conquerors attempted to maintain their political and cultural cohesion despite the attractions of the civilizations they had conquered. The Arabs were to settle in the garrison towns rather than on scattered estates. The new non-Muslim subjects, or dhimmiwere A Business Innovation Model pay a special tax, the jizya or poll tax, which was calculated per individual at varying rates for able bodied men of military age.

Iranians were among the very Historh converts to Islam, and their conversion in significant numbers began as soon as the Arab armies reached and overran the Persian plateau. Today perhaps 98 percent of ethnic Iranians, including the population of Persia, are at least nominal Muslims. For History Of Iran a fundamental, pervasive, and enduring cultural transformation, the phenomenon of Iranian conversions to Islam has received remarkably little scholarly attention.

Recent research has established a general chronological framework for the process of conversion of Iranians to Islam. The data on which Bulliet's study was based limited the validity of this paradigm to generalizations about full, formal conversions in an urban environment. The situation in rural areas and individual regions may have been quite different, but the overall pattern is consistent with History Of Iran can be deduced from traditional historical sources. Following the Abbasid revolution of —51, in which Iranian converts played a major role, the Caliphate's center of gravity moved to Mesopotamia and underwent significant Iranian influences.

Citation Information

Seyyed Hossein Nasr suggests that the rapid increase in conversion was aided by the Persian nationality of the rulers. Persians remained Persians. And after an interval of silence, Iran reemerged as a separate, different and distinctive element within Islam, eventually adding a new element even to Islam History Of Iran. Culturally, politically, and most remarkable of all even religiously, the Iranian contribution to this new Islamic civilization is History Of Iran immense importance.

The work of Iranians can be seen in every field of cultural endeavor, including Arabic poetry, to which poets of Iranian origin composing their poems in Arabic made a very significant contribution. It was this Persian Islam, rather than the original Arab Islam, that was brought to new areas and new peoples: to the Turks, first in Central Asia and then in the Middle East in the country which came to be called Turkey, and India. The Ottoman Turks brought a form of Iranian civilization to the walls of Vienna]

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