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Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientists

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bst 8 critique session \ Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientists.

An eccentric from 18th century Yorkshire, animal-lover and inventor Jemmy Hirst was the greatest eccentric in English history. His bizarre exploits included riding bulls, teaching otters to fish, fixing sails to his carriage, and treating Scientitss king like an equal. James Hirst was born in in the tiny northern England town of Rawcliffe. His father was a moderately successful farmer and, by all accounts, Hirst's family was of a quiet and respectable sort. But young James - who would be known Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientists most of his life as "Jemmy" - quickly distinguished himself from the rest of the family.

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Even as a toddler, he showed a unique intellect and wowed his fellow villagers with his remarkable insight, and so his parents decided to send him to a boarding school for prospective clergymen. This did not prove to be a good fit. Hirst was unremarkable academically but he proved himself a gifted prankster.

Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientists

He once discovered the principal's glasses lying about and carefully removed their lenses from the frames. The principal was outraged when he discovered link glasses were now entirely glass-free, and it was only the fact that all his fellow students found the scene so hilarious that Hirst Max any blame for the incident. His pranks quickly began to overlap with his true love, which was animals.

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Specifically, it was training animals to do things that, in the ordinary course of things, they were exceedingly unlikely to do. For instance, the young Hirst had a great deal of fun training an old pig that belonged to the principal, as John Tomlinson recounts in his book Some Interesting Yorkshire Scenes Moses. Jemmy's greatest enjoyment about Ecccentric time was in riding on the back of an old sow belonging to the parson.

He used to tie a piece Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientists twine to the ring in her snout, and call it his bridle; and a nail stuck in his shoe heel served for a spur.

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But, like Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientists of her sex, the old sow was very wayward and obstinate; and many were the falls Jemmy got from her Artiwts back, and many a tussle he had with her before he succeeded in breaking her in. He had just got her to leap over a stick about a foot high, and was practising this novel equestrian feat one night after Eccenric hours, when who should come into the yard but the principal himself, bringing a horsewhip with him, with which he gave Jemmy two or three strokes Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientists the shoulders before that young gentleman was aware of his presence. Jemmy tried to dodge, putting the old sow between himself and the master, but it was no go, as Jemmy said himself, so be was obliged to run for it, receiving a few more strokes before he could get out of the parson's reach.

For this Jemmy was confined all next day, and fed upon bread and water; yet he was in no wise deterred from mounting his swinish charger in future whenever he had an opportunity. His attempts to teach the pigs to jump hurdles ultimately led to his expulsion, and so he was sent off to be an apprentice tanner.

Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientists

He made a remarkable comeback in when he earned a small fortune speculating on farm produce. This allowed him to spend the rest of his long life back in Rawcliffe as a farmer, and to be generous in the most eccentric way possible.

He supposedly would blow a hunting horn to invite the poor and elderly Maad his house for refreshments In any event, the real boon of his newfound wealth was the ability to take his love of animals to the next level.

Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientists

His two most frequent companions were apparently a fox and an otter, and he even kept a bear named Nicholas. This creature, unfortunately, resisted Hirst's efforts to tame it, resulting at least once in injury to the eccentric farmer. Equally unsuccessful but significantly less painful was Hirst's attempt to train a litter of pigs to be Scientosts, but he could never get the piglets to stop grunting, which made them spectacularly ineffective when it came time to sneak up on foxes.]

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