Moses -

Moses Moses

Behrman House, Inc. Illustrated Bible Dictionary.


London; New York: T. Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Bible Review.

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Asch, Sholem. New York: Putnam, ISBN F. ISBN Assmann, Jan. Harvard University Moses, Barzel, Hillel. Edited by Kenneth Moses. Gros Louis, with James S. Warshaw, — Nashville: Abingdon Press, Buber, Martin. Moses: The Revelation and the Covenant. New York: Harper, Card, Orson Scott. Stone Tables. Deseret Book Co. Moses: A Memoir. Mahwah, N. Daiches, David. Moses: The Man and Mosws Vision. New York: Praeger, Fast, Howard. Moses, Prince of Egypt.

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New York: Crown Pubs. Freud, Sigmund.


Moses Moses and Monotheism. New York: Vintage, Gjerman, Corey. Portland: Biblical Fantasticals, Halter, Marek. Zipporah, Wife of Moses. New York: Crown, Ingraham, J.]

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