Critical Thinking Distance Education And Traditional Education -

Critical Thinking Distance Education And Traditional Education Video

Critical Thinking: Revisiting Higher Order Thinking Skills during Distance Learning Critical Thinking Distance Education And Traditional Education Critical Thinking Distance Education And Traditional Education

About Advertise Services 0 Events. Join Us. Share Us. Thinking in the right frame is valid in learning. Developing the right frame of thinking is essential in teaching.

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Spread of false news, image editing and blending, audio editing, and video clipping are some common fallacy we come upon. Belief in such mistaken identities can be dangerous to individuals and societies. To bring upon awareness on such misinterpreted or misrepresented information, thinking skills need to be developed among students.

Critical Thinking Distance Education And Traditional Education

Thinking is a process which is initiated by our sense organs. We think when we sense a different pattern, interesting news or tasty food. The starting point of this thought process is sometimes as simple as a word, smell or a scene.

Critical Thinking Distance Education And Traditional Education

Thought process fly rapidly when we observe interesting situations. Learning is a process which happens only when it relatively builds thinking process.

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To develop the process of thinking we need to anchor our delivery process on lines of evoking the Distsnce organs. The development of thinking varies with age. In the formative years, thought process can be developed to the surface level, exposing the students only to the visual, verbal and emotional cues in the given scenario.]

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