What Makes Your Favorite Movie - amazonia.fiocruz.br

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Citizen Kane is a American drama film produced and directed by Orson Welles , who also co-wrote the screenplay with Herman J. The picture was Welles's first feature film. Mankiewicz and Welles. Citizen Kane is particularly praised for Gregg Toland 's cinematography, Robert Wise 's editing, Bernard Herrmann 's music, and its narrative structure, all of which have been considered innovative and precedent-setting. The quasi-biographical film examines the life and legacy of Charles Foster Kane , played by Welles, a composite character based in part upon American media barons William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer , Chicago tycoons Samuel Insull and Harold McCormick , as well as aspects of the screenwriters' own lives. Upon its release, Hearst prohibited mention of the film in any of his newspapers. What Makes Your Favorite Movie. What Makes Your Favorite Movie

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Watch the trailers. Visit our Black History Month section. Title: Dazed and Confused It's the last day of school at a high school in a small town in Texas in The upperclassmen are hazing the incoming freshmen, and everyone is trying to get stoned, drunk, or laid, What Makes Your Favorite Movie the football players that signed a pledge not to. One difference between the two films is that Dazed and Confused is Ylur period-piece, filmed in it takes place inand directer Richard Linklater does a marvelous job capturing the habits, the styles and the attitudes of the era.

In that regard maybe this movie is more inspired by "American Graffiti" than Fast Times at Ridgemont. This movie seems to be as personal to Linklater as it is to me, and its not so much about plot https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/essay-writing-format-cbse-class-12/the-documentary-of-filmed-and-directed-by.php big scenes as it is about realism and the overall flow The movie follows a group of high school juniors and another group of 8th graders next years seniors and freshmen through the events surrounding the last day of school in Austin, Texas in the whole film takes place in What Makes Your Favorite Movie 24 hours.

What Makes Your Favorite Movie

We observe the hazing, the partying, some introspective banter and many familiar rituals as the characters prepare not just for the summer, but for the next school year and beyond. This was the same general time period I was in high school, so this movie had Fvorite special impact on me.

At this point I need to mention Wooderson McConaughey,in his film debuta key character, he's What Makes Your Favorite Movie Whwt dude that still hangs with the high school crowd. Did every town in America have a guy like this or what? Wood, Dawson, Slater, Pickford; these guys all remind me of guys I grew up with in my hometown. The greatness of this film is that it rings so true The only thing i didn't see was a bong.

HEY, we did that too! Yeah thats right -joints are better for cruising anyway. This is the kind of movie to rent on click of those Friday nights where you have to work early the next day. I first rented this movie on one of those very nights.

Its a great Friday night movie and why not? No heavy handed plot, lots of partying and good music, and it makes you feel good. Speaking of the soundtrack Jim dandy to the rescue! This movie really took me back.

What Makes Your Favorite Movie

Dazed and Confused is also a bit of a curio because of all the young actors who were all unknown at the time who went on to star in other movies. My only complaint involving the cast is that Wiley Wiggins' as Mitch Kramer mannerisms are a bit irritating, but other than that everyone does a tremendous job. This movie link become like a Mvoie time capsule about that post-revolutionary decade of the 70s, a decade filled with great music, movies and television seriously, what the heck has happened to entertainment in this country? But anyway, I hope you enjoy one of my personal What Makes Your Favorite Movie It may be set in Texas, but it could just as easily be Ohio.]

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