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Three types of warfare preponderate in civil wars: a irregular warfare among unsymmetrically strong officeholders and weak insurrectionists[ 2 ], such as the Algerian civil war and the first stage of the Greek civil war. Contrary to rationally well-founded claims[ 3 ], irregular warfare is non married to inflexibly definite causes i. Asymmetry besides is consistent with another type of force, terrorist act[ 4 ]. B regular warfare among symmetrically powerful officeholders and robust insurrectionists[ 5 ], such as the Spanish, American or Greek in the 2nd stage civil wars. Empirically, frontlines e. Spanish civil war or secessionist motions against federal authoritiess i. American civil war ; irregular-type civil wars originate preponderantly from rural-type insurgences[ 9 ] i. Somali civil war [ 10 ]. However, these three types of warfare might happen in same civil war in different stages. In fact, guerilla warfare exhibits about 38 nomenclature discrepancies[ 12 ]. Buy Essay Online Odysseus Struggle Against the

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