Trojan War and Troy -

Trojan War and Troy

Trojan War and Troy Video

Drawn History: The Trojan War - History

Trojan War and Troy - Exaggerate

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Trojan migrations after the fall of Troy. Thread starter Calebxy Start date Nov 9, JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Prev 1 … Go to page. First Prev 11 of 12 Go to page.

Eric H. Cline

Olleus Ad Honorem. Mar 2, Beyond the Veil. I'm curious Calebxyhave you ever come across a single Trojan War and Troy of evidence that argued against one of your esoteric theories? Because no theory has all the evidence solely in its failure. If it was that easy, then everyone would know it already. Instead, what we normally have is some evidence in favour, some against, and we have to decide where the greatest weight lies.

Trojan War and Troy

This is what good historians do, openly. They put all the cards on the table, and explain how they went from the evidence to their conclusion.

Trojan War and Troy

But you seem to be able to interpret every tiny shred as being further support for your theories, which is odd and smells a hell of a lot like cherry picking. The only medicine that always works and never has side effects is snake oil after all So be honest and tell us: What is the evidence against the Trojan war being as late as as BC, and what's the evidence against a refugee migration to Italy?

Jan 1, England. Dan Howard said:. Because they are pointless. Trojan War and Troy

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As soon as one part of theory is discredited the entire thing needs to be discarded. Dreamhunter Ad Honorem. Jun 9, Malaysia.]

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