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Bad: Consumer behaviour in marketing ethics

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Consumer behaviour in marketing ethics Consumer behaviour in marketing ethics Consumer behaviour in marketing ethics

Dentsu is one of the leading global conglomerates in India that specializes in Digital, Media, and creative offerings. Dentsu-e4m Digital Advertising Report was released recently stated an eye-catching fact that the digital ad industry received a growth of The brand marketers have observed a change Consumer behaviour in marketing ethics purchasing behavior of people that are moving towards digital and keeping this in mind, the panel discussion of Dentsu-e4m Digital Advertising Conference highlighted this topic.

Ltd was part of this conference. The e-commerce business received huge growth and online learning and education are one of the categories that gained popularity. As people are continuing to work from home, health, home, finance, and gardening received more attention.

One of the interesting facts that were pointed out in the discussion was that personalization is going to be an important factor as far as karketing is concerned.

1. Shift to value and essentials

These changing trends in behavior were classified into three categories: new habit formations, acceleration of existing trends, and reversal Consumer behaviour in marketing ethics past trends. Regarding the FMCG products, it was observed that the people who were reluctant to buy touch and feel products from e-commerce shifted to physical stores which allowed the marketers to have a conversation about the brand beyond product benefits. The customers who preferred to buy from physical stores made the payments online and therefore digitization is the latest trend and is an opportunity that the brands need to consider. Marketers today across the globe are focusing on digital marketing and are considering cookies as a good opportunity.

2. Shock to loyalty

The valid concerns on the rise of privacy were taken into consideration and it was addressed that more power needs to be provided to the customers in terms of personalization. It was stated that brands and marketers need to be careful in terms of leveraging the data and do not use personally identifiable information. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Passionate In Marketing.]

Consumer behaviour in marketing ethics

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