The Manipulation of the Public by a -

The Manipulation of the Public by a

The Manipulation of the Public by a - for

Governments, public relations firms and political parties are producing misinformation on an industrial scale, according to the report. Now, more than ever, the public needs to be able to rely on trustworthy information about government policy and activity. Social media companies need to raise their game by increasing their efforts to flag misinformation and close fake accounts without the need for government intervention, so the public has access to high-quality information. Citizen influencers are used to spread manipulated messages. These include volunteers, youth groups and civil society organisations, who support their ideologies. A large part of this activity has become professionalised, with private firms offering disinformation-for-hire services. Cyber troops are frequently directly linked to state agencies. Indeed, social media has become a critical component of digital campaigning. The Manipulation of the Public by a.

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A contractor taking part in the public procurement procedure has a complete freedom in shaping his price offer. When calculating the price, in addition to willingness to propose price conditions that give the opportunity to have the offer selected as the most favourable one in the light of the criteria set in the Specification of the Essential Terms of the Contract, the contractor must also take into account market realities and avoid situations that could possibly be considered as violating rules of fair competition.

The Manipulation of the Public by a

Offering grossly low price or cost in relation to the subject of the order is a separate prerequisite for rejection of the offer on the Manipulatioj of art. At the same time, offering prices of goods and services below their purchase prices, i. The sale of goods or services below their manufacturing cost or performance, or their resale below the cost of purchase in order to eliminate other entrepreneurs is a sign of hindering access to the market to other entrepreneurs and is stipulated in art.

The Manipulation of the Public by a

The case-law of the National Appeals Chamber developed according to which it is assessed whether the price offered by the contractor is grossly low. It is important to determine whether the contractor will achieve any profit as a result of the contract, because profit-making is the main goal Tye running a business.

The Manipulation of the Public by a

Striving to win a public procurement despite having Thd perspective of making a profit is considered for striving to eliminate competition. In the The Manipulation of the Public by a that the price or cost offered, or essential components of the price seem to be grossly low Pkblic relation to the subject of the contract and raise doubts of the contracting authority as to whether the subject of the contract may be performed in accordance with the specified requirements or results from separate provisions, the contracting authority asks for explanations, including submission of evidence regarding the calculation of the price or cost. Request for explanation creates a presumption of link grossly low price which must be refuted by the contractor.

For this purpose, the contractor should provide comprehensive explanations and evidence. Making an explanation in a too general and laconic way, without the necessary calculation indicating the profitability and market nature of the price offered, usually leads to the conclusion that the presumption has not been refuted and results in the rejection of the offer.

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Price manipulation or manipulation of constituent parts of the price in order to obtain better score in the tender may be considered as an act of unfair competition. An action whereby the continue reading indicates in the category subject to a higher score a lower price and transfers the remaining part of the price to a category that does not count or counts less in the final assessment is an example here. This leads to a situation where the total price is high, but the contractor receives higher number of points due to offering the dumped price in one of the categories. Transferring costs between separately assessed prices in this way; that on the one hand the price is non-market and absurdly high, while on the other hand, the non-market, grossly low or even symbolic price is aimed at not offering the most favourable conditions to the contracting authority, not competing with price, or quality, but only the use of the balance of criteria to the detriment of both the contracting authority and contractors cf.

In the context of the assessment criteria used in relation to the prices offered, which The Manipulation of the Public by a in principle the main criterion for selecting The Manipulation of the Public by a most advantageous offer, contractors should exercise special consideration and caution. Offering a product below the cost of its purchase, whether in relation to the total price or to individual components of the price as it always affects the outcome of the procedure, will be considered in terms of unfair competition and, consequently, may be the reason for the rejection of the offer.]

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