The Discovery Of Space Weather -

The Discovery Of Space Weather - think, that

NASA's Hubble Space telescope has spotted potential signs of a weather system on a blisteringly hot Jupiter-sized exoplanet, with surface temperatures of 2,F. WASPb is is tidally locked, with one side always facing its host Sun-sized star - in the 'twilight zone' between the two zones temperatures reach 2, degrees F. The experts found evidence of chromium hydride in this zone - at temperatures and pressure levels that could allow it to transform between liquid and gas - forming a weather system as it rains on the night side and as a gas on the day side. This is an important discovery, the team say, as a weather system is a key feature astronomers look for when finding a planet that is suitable for life - and finding one on such an inhospitable world could make the process easier for 'friendlier planets'. NASA's Hubble space telescope has spotted evidence of a weather system on a 'hot Jupiter' exoplanet - suggesting the world could have conditions suitable for life. In the 'twilight zone' - the area between the star and space side - temperatures can reach as high as 2, degrees Fahrenheit 2, C. It orbits an F-type star that is about 1, light years from the Earth and about the same size as the Sun. It is classed as a 'puffy' type of planet, with a mass half that of Jupiter but one and a half times its radius. WASPb is a 'puffy world' that is about 1. The Discovery Of Space Weather.

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By Ryan Morrison For Mailonline. The experts found evidence of chromium hydride in this zone — at temperatures and pressure levels that could allow it to transform between liquid and gas — forming a weather system as it rains on the night side and as a gas on the day side. It orbits an F-type star that is about 1, light years from the Earth and about the same size as the Sun. We want to confirm that with observations. Exoplanets are currently too far away for human-built probes to reach, but telescopes and Earth-based equipment can offer The Discovery Of Space Weather glimpse into their atmosphere.

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They can use fingerprints in the atmosphere — including signs of certain chemicals and temperatures they are found at — to determine things like weather systems. These fingerprints allow astronomers to deduce which substances are in the atmosphere of an exoplanet — and one day use that to find evidence of alien life. One sign life might exist is finding evidence of a weather system on a planet, according to Dutch researchers. Chromium hydride is an inorganic compound that is found naturally in some stars.

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It has been discovered in a number of stars and has been used to identify some brown dwarf stars. A recent source found the chemical compound in the hot Jupiter Weathre WOLFb where it could be transitioning between gas and liquid. The liquid form rains down on the night side, with the gas in the air of the day side of the tidally locked world. This is the first time it has been found on a hot Jupiter planet and at the right pressure and temperature for it to operate as a weather system.

The Discovery Of Space Weather

The Dutch team hope to use it to investigate WASPb, and other hot Jupiter-type planets, to confirm if and how a weather system would operate. The findings have been published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The Discovery Of Space Weather

Distant stars and their orbiting planets often have conditions unlike anything we see in our atmosphere. These enormous satellites scan the sky and lock on to exoplanets that Nasa think may be of interest.]

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