The Importance of Extracurricular Activities -

The Importance of Extracurricular Activities - with

Imagine a classroom full of bright, motivated students who want to learn and are successful in their learning. Does that sound like a utopia? Actually, there is a solution that can bring this vision to life. An enriching learning experience is a great way to inspire students to follow their passions, develop their enthusiasm, find new interests and apply their skills in a variety of contexts. Enriched learning is a pedagogical approach that aims to create meaningful and content-rich learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. It fosters deeper engagement and understanding in areas of natural curiosity. Comprehensive learning provides the broad knowledge base that adolescents need to succeed as family and community members, citizens and workers in a globalized world.

The Importance of Extracurricular Activities - are mistaken

The inclusion of extracurricular activities as part of school programming for students has always been important, but I would argue that it has never been more important. As students returned to our physical classrooms last September, we noticed a marked difference in them. The kids we had sent home for March break months earlier were quieter, more serious, and generally hesitant. There was a large amount of fear and anxiety around the return to school for all stakeholders this year, and in that we saw an even greater need to connect the students in our school community. Our philosophy around extracurriculars at Blyth Academy has always been based on the interests of our students which can and should change from year to year. As part of our new student interview process, we talk about extracurricular activities that students have participated in or have interest in participating in at Blyth Academy. Once this information is collected and reviewed, we get started with organizing and scheduling clubs. Whether we have ten or two students interested in an activity, we run it and encourage others to join when they hear about the interesting things we are doing and the fun we are having! The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

School life is not all about studying for the exams; it also includes making friends, improving social skills and participating in diverse extracurricular activities. Stephen Varanko III mentions that students would have numerous opportunities to learn new skills and ignite new passions in their school life, outside of the The Importance of Extracurricular Activities framework of any educational curriculum. He stresses upon the fact that extracurricular activities are quite vital to the overall development and progress of any child, and plays a key role in their holistic growth. Varanko himself took part in multiple extracurricular activities during his school life, and hence is well aware of their importance. School students quite commonly get Imporrtance with studies, and let go of their hobbies. Both so should not be the case.

Better Focus and Academic Performance

To ensure the all-round development The Importance of Extracurricular Activities growth of a child, extracurricular activities are almost as important as good scholastic education. Stephen Varanko III points out that taking part in extracurricular activities during the school years can go a long way in strengthening the social skills of a child, and provide them with a much-needed avenue to relax their mind. Moreover, participation in these Impoftance can indirectly improve the academic performance of students as well. Students often learn time management and organizational skills in many of these activities, which invariably helps them out during the exam time and aids them to get better grades.

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Stephen Varanko III underlines that there are many advantages of taking part in extracurricular activities in school. Here are a few of them:. Stephen Varanko III himself took part in many sports during his school years, which subsequently aided him to Extrqcurricular a number of important skills. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content. source

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