Physical Activity Is Important For The Population Video
1.1.1 - Social and Emotional Benefits of Physical Activity / Exercise Physical Activity Is Important For The PopulationBackground: Physical inactivity is a global concern, but diverse physical activity measures in use prevent international comparisons. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ was developed as an instrument for cross-national monitoring of physical activity and inactivity.
What do moderate- and vigorous-intensity mean?
Methods: Between andan International Consensus Group developed four long and four short forms of the IPAQ instruments administered by telephone interview or self-administration, with two alternate reference periods, either the "last 7 d" or a "usual week" of recalled physical activity. Test-retest repeatability was assessed within the same week.

Spearman's correlation coefficients are reported, based on the total reported physical activity. Criterion validity had a median rho of about 0. The "usual week" and "last 7 d" reference periods performed similarly, and the reliability of telephone administration was similar to the self-administered mode.
Conclusions: The IPAQ instruments have acceptable measurement properties, at least as good as other established self-reports. Considering the diverse samples in this study, IPAQ has reasonable measurement properties for monitoring population levels of physical activity among to yr-old adults in diverse settings.

The short IPAQ form "last 7 d recall" is recommended for national monitoring and the long form for research requiring more detailed assessment. Abstract Background: Physical inactivity is a global concern, but diverse physical activity measures in use prevent international comparisons. Publication types Validation Study.]
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