Personal Information On Electronic Patient Record -

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Personal Information On Electronic Patient Record. Personal Information On Electronic Patient Record

Several factors, including education level, income, and age, can influence health literacy. Adoption and use rates may also depend on the availability of office staff for hands-on training as well as assistance with interpretation of medical information.

It is hoped that technology barriers will disappear over time, and usefulness of the information will promote increased utilization of PHRs. Perosnal understanding of the information remains a challenge that must be overcome to realize the full potential of PHRs. As more physicians adopt electronic health records EHRs to obtain financial subsidies under Medicare and Medicaid, the opportunity to provide personal health records PHR to their patients will become more common. One advantage of the PHR is its ability to provide improved communication between the patient and physician and allow the patient to become more engaged in the healthcare process.

This understanding is important in that it allows patients to recognize the benefits of access to their health information.


PHR adoption and usage has been a challenge for numerous medical practices. The similarities source health literacy obtain, process, and understand health information Personal Information On Electronic Patient Record e-health literacy find and use electronic health information were determined by the authors to be appropriate for this research study. In addition, we attempt to define the characteristics of Electronci patients who are or are not comfortable with their ability to use the Internet to find information about health and are or are not willing to adopt a PHR.

The host physician practice wanted to know if the patient population would adopt a PHR if the practice provided the technology through the office EHR system. Actual adoption and usage were not measured in this study.

Personal Information On Electronic Patient Record

According to Ajzen and Fishbein, the theory of reasoned action is based on behavioral intention as the Recorv predictor of actual behavior. The more favorable the attitude confidence in finding and using health informationthe more here it is that the patient will intend to perform the behavior adopt and use a PHR.

Subjective norms also affect the likelihood of a behavior. The physicians of the practice studied in the present research were supportive of the use of the PHR by all patients. The patient must serve as the link between the provider and his or her health information.

Personal Information On Electronic Patient Record

Adoption and ongoing usage of a PHR can facilitate this link. Patients believe if they are given access to their medical record, they will be able to manage their condition s at home.

The following two hypotheses address two areas that pertain to this PHR research, namely demographic characteristics of a population and health literacy. Hypothesis 1: Patients who are younger, are more educated, and have higher income are more willing to adopt the PHR than those who are older, less educated, and with lower income. Hypothesis 2: Patients who have high levels of e-health literacy are more willing to adopt the PHR than those with low levels of e-health literacy. The sample is a convenience sample because individuals must patients in the selected medical practice to be included.]

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