How Support from Employers on Work Life -

How Support from Employers on Work Life

How Support from Employers on Work Life Video

Work Life Balance Tips: Employers Considerations

How Support from Employers on Work Life - those

But I also know this is not sustainable. I do not wish this on anyone. All work and no play damage your productivity, and often, your self-esteem. For these reasons, I prioritize employee well-being at work. The last thing I want is my team losing mindfulness and making the same mistakes. I want them to be happy. How Support from Employers on Work Life

Many employers, and colleagues, are not well equipped to handle an employee who displays BPD behaviours. A workplace environment can be immensely helpful to someone living with BPD, giving them much-needed stability.

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On a good day, the employee may excel at their job, performing well and achieveing their goals or targets. On a bad day, they may feel upset and overwhelmed, criticism can trigger insecurity or anger, and intense emotions can lead to innapropriate or impulsive behaviour.

How Support from Employers on Work Life

As an employer, providing your employee with stability is key. Try to see their individual quirks or personality traits as strengths in the organisation, rather than looking at individual behaviours. Boundaries and clear goals are necessary, to set clear limits and stress proper conduct in the workplace, such as considering the feelings of colleagues or completed tasks assigned to them. Avoiding conflict without invalidating their opinion — listen to their concerns, acknowledge their feelings, and stay civil.

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It may be better to set times for meetings rather than discussing at the time, allowing the employee to compose themselves before discussing the situation. Encourage your employee to make use of any employee assistance programmes you have available, or discuss with them time off if they need to see someone. Peopl with BPD here with very difficult symptoms that affect all aspects of their day to day lives, and it is important to be empathetic but also learn adaptive strategies to support your employee in managing their symptoms in the workplace. Increasing your employees confidence in the workplace means providing a supportive, positive and inclusive environment that benefits everyone. There are many adjustments that can be made in the workplace to help support self-care, reduce workplace stress and encourage positive interactions with colleagues:.

How Support from Employers on Work Life

Mind have produced a series of free resources to help improve mental wellbeing in your workplace which you can read online or download. These include:. Mental Health at Work has a wide range of resources for employers supporting their employees with mental health issues. Time to Change has a section of their website full of workplace resources — activities, training, events Empployers tools.]

How Support from Employers on Work Life

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