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The Role Of Muslim Women During The The Role Of Muslim Women During The

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Did you know the first university in the world was built by a Muslim woman approx years ago? Fatima and her sister inherited a fortune. They chose to spend their inheritance on building educational institutions…. Living Islam - Islamic Tradition uses cookies on our website to click you a better web-experience, improve performance and for analytics.

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You may find out more about our ' privacy policy '. Role of Women in Islam. Education of Women in the Zangi Era. He was a just and righteous leader and was well-loved by those under him. He was succeeded by Salahuddin Ayyubi, who followed in his footsteps.

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The following is a translation of the chapter on women's education: The devotion of Muslim women to Islamic studies reached high levels. Their purpose was to gain knowledge of the correct teachings of the religion and thereby bring them into practice. The subject that received the most regard was the study of hadith, in which many women attained high qualification. They competed with great Hadith scholars and memorizers of hadith therein and became profound examples of trustworthiness and uprightness.

The Role Of Muslim Women During The

Many biographical accounts allude to the substantial intellectual Durlng of women in this era. Sources have mentioned names of numerous female Qaris, hadith scholars, fiqh scholars, writers, grammarians, as well as scholars of other fundamental sciences. Many of these women would travel from region to region with their maharim to seek knowledge from great scholars and Muhaddithin and they received ijazas certificates from them.

The Role Of Muslim Women During The

A testimony to the undertakings of women in this field is the fact that the biographers of Ibn Asakir d. This demonstrates the large numbers of women who were busy in this field, such that a single scholar from the scholars of that era studied from more than eighty women. This is in addition to the large number of women whose biographies he has included in his book.

Ibn Asakir collected biographical accounts of women scholars in his tareekh.]

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