Hepatitis C Hepatitis A Viral Disease That - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Hepatitis C Hepatitis A Viral Disease That

Hepatitis C Hepatitis A Viral Disease That - aside! You

There are different types of hepatitis viruses, including hepatitis A, B, D, and E. Among the different viruses, hepatitis C is the most serious because it can be chronic and cause severe liver damage. The virus spreads through contact with infected blood, so certain people have a higher risk of infection. This includes healthcare workers exposed to blood and drug users. Getting a tattoo or piercing with unsterilized equipment also increases the risk of infection. Hepatitis C Hepatitis A Viral Disease That

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It is usually spread by eating food or drinking water contaminated with infected feces. The hepatitis A vaccine is effective for prevention. Globally, around 1.

Hepatitis C Hepatitis A Viral Disease That

Early symptoms of hepatitis A infection can be mistaken for influenzabut some sufferers, especially children, exhibit no symptoms at all. Symptoms typically appear 2 Virsl 6 weeks the incubation period after the initial infection. The time between infection and symptoms, in those who develop them, is between 2 and 6 weeks with an average link 28 days.

Symptoms usually last less than 2 months, although some people can be ill for as long as 6 months: [13]. Joint painsred cell aplasiapancreatitis and generalized lymphadenopathy are the possible extrahepatic manifestations.

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Kidney failure and pericarditis are very uncommon. Hepatovirus A is a species of virus in the order Picornavirales in the family Picornaviridae and is the type species of the genus Hepatovirus. Humans and other vertebrates serve as natural hosts. A total of nine members of Hepatovirus are recognized. Phylogenetic analysis suggests a rodent origin for Hepatitis A. A member virus of Hepatovirus B Phopivirus has been isolated from a seal.

Hepatitis C Hepatitis A Viral Disease That

Another hepatovirus - Marmota himalayana hepatovirus - has been isolated from the woodchuck Marmota himalayana. One serotype and seven different genetic groups four human and three simian have been described.

Hepatitis C Hepatitis A Viral Disease That

The simian genotypes have been numbered IV—VI. A single isolate of genotype VII isolated from a human has also been described.]

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