What Makes A Successful Person Successful - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Something is: What Makes A Successful Person Successful

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What Makes A Successful Person Successful What Makes A Successful Person Successful

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Updated: Apr 27, If you ask any Successful Person ,about their Secret of Success ,their answer will be Hard Work made me successful OR. I know how to fight tough times OR. I just never give up OR. I see and do things differently OR. I apply 10, hour rule. But World currently comprise of 7 billion people and everybody is struggling hard everyday to earn their bread and butter at-least in poor countries. But these traits are not https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/purpose-of-case-study-in-psychology/wireless-sensor-networks-are-different-from-other.php everyone successful. Then what is that, which is making only extremely few people successful? Before answering this question ,let's first understand the Definition of Success itself.

what makes a essay successful person

What is Success? The definition of success will vary a lot from person to person depending upon his IQ level, education, exposure, nationality, Childhood conditioning and environment.

What Makes A Successful Person Successful

But, the Universal definition, will come out something as -". Rest anything will be philosophical and might sound hypocritical, so I wont discuss on that. Now, let's come back to our original question. What is that, which is making only extremely few people Skccessful The simple answer is "LUCK". Though successful people won't agree and they will say, no its not luck, its the hard work But, you can clearly observe in your own life, that there are many people around you, who are more competent read more more qualified to become successful than the so-called successful people. But Unfortunately, they are not. But why is that, people don't mention Luck and mention only hard-work and attitude?

It's because ,if they mention luck as the primary factor, people wont give them credit and value them less. And since everybody wants to get appreciated because that's a very basic and strong human desire, they don't focus on luck factor, because that can lessen their appreciation and fan-following and nobody wants to do that. Also, people don't mention Geographical Location ,when it comes to success. Now, what does Geographical Location has to be play a role here? It plays a Very Big Role. Now, whose chances are more to achieve success? What Makes A Successful Person Successful son might end up working hard to become a terrorist Or just working hard, day and night, only to survive and other might be working hard as a Google Engineer OR some Scientist.

You got my point. Now, in which country you are born and raised up is entirely upon "LUCK" only.

What Makes A Successful Person Successful

Hence, once again, luck is playing a crucial role here.]

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