The Pregnancy Of The Fetal Heart Rate -

The Pregnancy Of The Fetal Heart Rate - ready

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If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit Feal following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. I am 6 weeks 5 days and a fetal pole and heart beat was detected. I thought this is great, all I needed. But then they said fetal pole was 3mm, heart rate is 81bpm, and the sack only grew 1mm in a week.

The Pregnancy Of The Fetal Heart Rate

I am in the same situation right now. I had my first ultrasound at my appointment on that day and the baby was only measuring at 3mm and heart rate wasthe ultrasound lady didn't say anything other than I read article have been way off on my dates, but I don't think I am. However, I just took it as they know more than me so they must be right. Had to go back in main waiting room and wait to see my OB for my appointment with him.

Needless to say when he comes in I get a discussion on how he doesn't think this is a viable pregnancy based on the size of the The Pregnancy Of The Fetal Heart Rate and the heart rate is on the lower end so he thinks I may be in the process of losing the baby.

The Pregnancy Of The Fetal Heart Rate

I am heart broken and not quite sure what to think as I have never had a miscarriage before and have 2 healthy girls aged 11 and 13 years old. I have an appointment tomorrow to check the baby to see if it has grown or if anything has changed since Thursday at which point he will give me my options. I have been searching the like crazy trying to find other people in my situation and having a good outcome. I just haven't come across anything so far.


I started taking Accupuncture last Friday and this Wednesday. Hoping it will help with blood to and getting oxygen to that area, if anything it relaxes me. So stressed out. I have read success stories.

The Pregnancy Of The Fetal Heart Rate

Saying to give the embryo time. They can be seen weeks same with heart beat. They start lower and rapidly progress. To read a heart Pregnabcy on something as small as a grain of rice! I was reading that usually link can detect a heart rate at 5mm. So try to stay positive with that. And I did read success stories of heart rate as low as 70bpm. And the time it takes for an embryo to implant is days.]

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