Sexual Identity Sexuality And Homosexuality Video
Would you like to change your sexual orientation? - Vinay Chandran - TEDxNITTrichy Sexual Identity Sexuality And Homosexuality.Sexual orientation is an enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attraction or a combination of these to persons of the opposite sex or genderthe same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender.
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These attractions are generally subsumed under heterosexualityhomosexualityand bisexuality[1] [2] [3] while asexuality the lack of sexual attraction to others is sometimes identified as the fourth category. These categories are aspects of the more nuanced nature of sexual identity and terminology. Androphilia describes sexual attraction to masculinity ; gynephilia describes the sexual attraction to femininity.

Scientists do not know the exact cause of sexual orientation, but they theorize that it is caused by a complex interplay of genetichormonaland environmental influences. Sexual go here is studied primarily within biologyneuroscienceand psychology including sexologybut it is also a subject area in sociologyhistory including social constructionist perspectivesand law.
Sexual orientation is traditionally defined as including heterosexualitybisexualityand homosexualitywhile asexuality is considered the fourth category of sexual orientation by some researchers and has been defined as the absence of a traditional sexual orientation. An asexual has little to no sexual attraction Sexual Identity Sexuality And Homosexuality people.
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Some people prefer simply to follow an individual's self-definition or identity. Scientific and professional understanding is that "the core attractions that form the basis for adult sexual orientation typically emerge between middle childhood and early adolescence".

Many cultures use identity labels to describe people who express these attractions. In the United States, the most frequent labels are lesbians women attracted to womengay men men attracted to menand bisexual people men or women attracted to both sexes. However, some people may use different labels or none at all".
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They additionally state Sexual Identity Sexuality And Homosexuality sexual orientation "is distinct from other components of sex and gender, including biological sex the article source, physiological, and genetic characteristics associated with being male or femalegender identity the psychological sense of being male or femaleand social gender role the cultural norms that define feminine and masculine behavior ". Sexual identity and sexual behavior are closely related to sexual orientation, but they are distinguished, with sexual identity referring to an individual's conception of themselves, behavior referring to actual sexual acts performed by the individual, and orientation referring to "fantasies, attachments and longings.
The term may, however, reflect a certain cultural context and particular stage of transition in societies which are gradually dealing with integrating sexual minorities.]
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