Technology Computer Technology Is A Computer Science -

Good: Technology Computer Technology Is A Computer Science

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Now Scienc from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, have designed a new technique to change that. This is actually a rapidly growing area of AI research. The idea is that both types of AI have different strengths. Language models like GPT-3 are trained through unsupervised learning, which requires no manual data labeling, making them easy to scale. Image models like object recognition systems, by contrast, learn more directly from Technology Computer Technology Is A Computer Science.

AI models that can parse both language and visual input also have very practical uses. If we want to build robotic assistants, for example, they need computer vision to navigate the world and language to communicate about it to humans. But combining both types of AI is easier said than done.

It requires training a new model from scratch with a data set that includes text and images, otherwise known as a visual-language data set.

Technology Computer Technology Is A Computer Science

The most common approach for curating such a data set is to compile a collection of images with descriptive CComputer. But you can see why this data curation process would take forever. This is why the visual-language data sets that exist are so puny.

A popular text-only data set like English Wikipedia which indeed includes nearly all the English-language Wikipedia entries might contain nearly 3 billion words.

Technology Computer Technology Is A Computer Science

The resultant visual-language model outperforms state-of-the-art models in some of the hardest tests used to evaluate AI language comprehension today. This is why this is super exciting.

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In AI speak, the words that are used train language models are known as tokens. So the UNC researchers decided to call the image associated with each token in their visual-language model a voken. Vokenizer is what they call the algorithm that finds vokens for each token, and vokenization is what they call the whole process. They really do. It also helps break down the basic idea behind vokenization.

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Instead of starting with an image data set and manually writing sentences to serve as captions—a very slow process—the UNC researchers started with a language data set and used unsupervised learning to match each word with a relevant image more on this later. This is a highly scalable process. The unsupervised learning technique, here, is ultimately the contribution of the paper. How do you actually find a relevant image for each word? GPT-3 is part of a family of language models known as transformers, which represented a major breakthrough in applying unsupervised learning to natural-language processing when the first Technology Computer Technology Is A Computer Science was introduced in This is how transformers approximate the meanings of words, and how GPT-3 can write such human-like sentences.

It relies in part on these embeddings to tell it how to read article words into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs.

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Instead of scanning text for word usage patterns, it scans images for visual patterns. They converted the images into visual embeddings and the captions into word embeddings.

Technology Computer Technology Is A Computer Science

Visual embeddings that are closely related to word embeddings will appear closer in the graph.]

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