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Structure And Function Of Proteins

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Jonathan Catazaro, Austin J. Lowe, Ronald L. Cerny, Robert Powers. Protein function elucidation often relies heavily on amino acid sequence analysis and other bioinformatics approaches. The reliance is extended to structure homology modeling for ligand docking and protein-protein interaction mapping.

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However, sequence analysis of RPA exposes a large, unannotated class of hypothetical proteins mostly from the Rhizobiales order. In the absence of sequence and read article information, further functional elucidation of this class of proteins has been significantly hindered. Conserved residue analysis and protein-protein interaction prediction analyses reveal multiple protein binding sites and conserved functional residues. Results of a mass spectrometry proteomic analysis strongly point toward interaction with the ribosome and its subunits. The combined structural and proteomic analyses suggest that RPA by itself or in a larger complex may assist in the transportation of substrates to or from the ribosome for further processing.

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Structure And Function Of Proteins

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