Social Security Benefits Of The United States -

Social Security Benefits Of The United States - you were

You may, at any time, submit a late request to continue or resume your benefits while we make a determination on your appeal. We will grant the request if you provide a good reason. We have experienced delays in processing certain requests for reconsideration of initial disability cessation determinations including age redeterminations during the Coronavirus Disease COVID pandemic. We will accept this delay as a good reason to resume benefit payments when you file a late request and the following apply:. For more information regarding appointment availability for your situation, please select the statement that applies to you:. Generally, we will schedule an in-person appointment in dire need situations. Social Security Benefits Of The United States

Inthe agency discovered that, due to computer errors, more than 20, children per application year were not receiving Social Security benefits they were due children are eligible for Social Security in the event that a parent dies or becomes disabled.

Social Security Benefits Of The United States

Since this error was long-standing, it means, as an illustration, nearlychildren in a year period missed out on benefits they were legally due. Indeed, a very modest effort to contact families of the initial group of 20, children has been postponed year after year. The case of children missing out on benefits is just one example. How many other groups are out there? Quite a few. These groups included certain widows, retirees, spouses, and children, as well as groups affected by special Social Security provisions such as some military veterans. SSA has made very little progress in helping these groups receive their benefits. Unitted

Social Security Benefits Of The United States

First, SSA officials need to elevate these projects to a priority level. But when it comes to ensuring the agency meets its core mission of benefit payments, there has been little to no oversight. Another systemic problem is the lack of congressional oversight. This may be due to difficulty in getting detailed information on the internal workings of SSA. Congress has a number of options, however, to conduct oversight.

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These include briefings by the agency, mandatory reports from the agency, congressional hearings, or requesting audits through the IG or GAO. In addition to oversight, Congress may want to make structural changes to the Social Security Administration. Interestingly, it was the Taxpayer Advocate at the IRS that publicly highlighted difficulties that Social Security beneficiaries with dependents were facing in receiving economic stimulus payments. An Office of the Beneficiary Advocate could improve the administration of Securiyt Social Security programs in two ways.

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First, the Advocate would be on the inside of the agency and be privy to internal discussions. By voicing concerns publicly about internal problems, the Advocate would make the administration of the program more transparent to Congress and the public. Second, the Advocate would offer needed balance to discussions of administrative issues. Management at SSA is primarily concerned Securiyy minimizing the operational workload of the agency.

Social Security Benefits Of The United States

Union officials do, at times, raise concerns about poor service to the public but, by design, unions focus much of their attention on personnel policy. Congress should also explore the level of funding it provides SSA to administer its programs. This creates an environment in which it is easy for agency officials to argue they do not have the resources to properly serve the public.

Congress may wish to allow SSA to use some of the program integrity funding to work the large backlog of potential entitlement cases. At this point, the best use of another dollar of administrative funding may be for activities that ensure individuals receive benefits they Social Security Benefits Of The United States due, rather than to conduct more disability reviews. It is the largest program in the United States and is a gateway to another large program Medicare. David A. Weaver, Ph.

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