Social Networking and Human Relationships -

Social Networking and Human Relationships

Social Networking and Human Relationships Video

Jordan Peterson - How Social Media Affects Us Social Networking and Human Relationships

Newswise — AMES, Iowa — Networking with clients over dinner and drinks or out on the golf course is not an option for many companies during the pandemic. A new Iowa State University study illustrates how businesses can still maintain and build those relationships using online social networks.

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Agnihotri works with businesses as director of the Ivy Sales Forum and says many are looking for guidance in the world of social networking. Things have changed. While the study did not focus on establishing social media boundaries, Agnihotri says an innovative work environment is vital.

Social Networking and Human Relationships

The researchers say the need to grow social networks is not specific to any one area, but really a business-wide issue. Daugherty says expectations of business clients have changed and the immediacy of social networks is critical.

By François Trépanier-Huot

Immediate communication allows customers to adjust plans as necessary. Decision Sciences. Businesses turn to social networks to build relationships during pandemic. Agnihotri says the research provides three cautionary notes for businesses: Time management is key. Time employees spend on social media must be focused on customer relationships and not items of personal interest. Managers need to trust employees and not watch their online activity minute-by-minute. Being responsive is critical when customers post a comment or question.

Benefits of Social Networking on Human Relationships and Communication

If businesses do not intend to respond, they should reconsider using social networks. Article Multimedia Images.

Social Networking and Human Relationships

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