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Still: Negative Effects Of Social Media On Young

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Negative Effects Of Social Media On Young. Negative Effects Of Social Media On Young

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5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now Negative Effects Of Social Media On Young

Social networking sites SNSs may be transforming young people's social experiences, and browsing SNSs in particular may harm psychological well-being. However, browsing different types of SNS profiles may differentially relate to psychological well-being. Moreover, this study investigated how individual characteristics may moderate relations between browsing and well-being, by exploring feedback seeking behaviors and the fear of missing out. Browsing one's own Instagram profile led to positive changes in psychological well-being, whereas browsing the profile of either an acquaintance or an Instagram influencer led to negative changes in psychological well-being.

Many observed effects, especially those found for the acquaintance and influencer conditions, were moderated by participants' dispositional levels of the fear of missing out and feedback seeking, in which effects were primarily observed for those higher in these characteristics.

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Findings suggest that SNSs may have positive or negative effects on well-being depending on who is online and what those individuals are browsing. Digital technology is a major component of contemporary emerging adults' development Coyne et al. The use of social networking sites SNSs is popular, with emerging adults especially drawn to Instagram Perrin and Anderson, Some researchers, parents, and policy makers fear that SNSs can negatively influence young people's well-being George and Odgers, ; however, associations between SNS use and well-being are mixed Verduyn et al. Increasing evidence suggests that how users are interacting with SNS platforms, rather than how much time, matters more for well-being Odgers and Jensen, Passively browsing Article source i.

Social Media's Negative Impact On Young People

Notably, overall assessments of passive SNS browsing may still be too broad, as effects may differ depending on whose content is being viewed. Passively browsing one's own content can have positive effects, whereas browsing others' content can have negative effects Vogel and Rose, In this experiment, we examined how browsing one's own Instagram profile, the profile of an acquaintance, and the profile Effects an Instagram influencer affected emerging adults' psychological well-being. Dimensions of well-being included state mood, state self-esteem, positive self-perceptions, and interpersonal negativity i.

Negative Effects Of Social Media On Young

Further, we examined the moderation role of two constructs relevant to emerging adults' development: dispositional tendencies to seek feedback, and the fear of missing out FoMO. According to the transformation framework Nesi et al.]

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