It has nothing positive to tell us about any moral system, only where the outer boundary might be.
Marcus George Singer
This sense is empty: it is not expressing any particular moral theory, it is only here a truth-value: it is merely saying that, according to some unspecified morality, some case is moral. It merely proposes enforcement for some moral theory, but says nothing about the content thereof. This usage is of no interest, here at least. But its second meaning is substantial. It stands for a particular moral principle: that you should receive according Objectkve what you do — that is, you are the deciding factor. The big problem is that this means each and every exchange cancels out.
And that Morality Is Objective Moral Theory any possibility of an economic system at all.
The whole point of a cooperative system — such as an economy — is that each individual gets out more than they put in. Cooperation is valuable because it gives more than each individual would get on their own. So the more exactly people are compensated according to what they put in, the more cooperation is contradicted or defeated. What if, instead, Morality Is Objective Moral Theory were compensated proportionately rather than exactly?
Would that make sense as an answer? No, and indeed nor for any other such variation, and for the same basic structural reason. The rule of cooperative systems is something like: everyone with extra ability should give it away. That is only shortsighted. One Morality Is Objective Moral Theory be the greatest architect in the world, and so benefit handsomely from full compensation.
But one will not also be the greatest film-maker, and farmer, and software developer, and surgeon, and so on and on. So a rule where we all give away our excess capability gives us back much more from others in return. You build a business, own shares in it, and later get investment returns — there is the work you did, and there is the return.
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It might seem less physical, less direct, but that is because it has a form according to its modern context. That is circular.

Yes, there is straightforward undeniable individual action there, but there is also something else artificial. Are corporations, stocks and shares, interest-bearing investments, property rents, etc. No, plainly not. But then you reach the show-stopper: that is in general logically impossible.
The Challenge of Sophistry
You are trying to Morality Is Objective Moral Theory a definition of what a system should give you, based on what you alone did. But that is contradictory. Anything a system gives you is not what you alone did. You cannot be given what you deserve. If you have to be given it, you obviously do not deserve it. If it is being given to you, you have not done it, and if you alone did not do it, how can you deserve it? If what you do is yours, then what Id do is theirs, and so not yours.]
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