Joseph M Juran s Life -

Joseph M Juran s Life - with you

He was first exhibited at a freak show as the " Elephant Man ", and then went to live at the London Hospital after he met Frederick Treves , subsequently becoming well known in London society. Merrick was born in Leicester and began to develop abnormally before the age of twelve. His mother died when he was eleven [1] and his father soon remarried. Rejected by his father and stepmother, he left home and went to live with his uncle Charles Merrick. Torr arranged for a group of men to manage Merrick, whom they named 'the Elephant Man'. After touring the East Midlands , Merrick travelled to London to be exhibited in a penny gaff shop rented by showman Tom Norman. Norman's shop was visited by surgeon Frederick Treves who invited Merrick to be examined. After Merrick was displayed by Treves at a meeting of the Pathological Society of London in , Norman's shop was closed by the police [4] and Merrick joined Sam Roper's circus and was toured in Europe. In Belgium , Merrick was robbed by his road manager and abandoned in Brussels. He eventually made his way back to the London Hospital [6] where he was allowed to stay for the rest of his life. Joseph M Juran s Life Joseph M Juran s Life

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Joseph M Juran s Life

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Joseph M Juran s Life

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Dark selvedge Japanese denim with a minimum of decoration. Take these jeans from Japanese brand Uniqlo for example.

Joseph M Juran s Life

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