I Was The Shy Kid Video
shy kids - ® o c k e t s (official video) I Was The Shy KidI Was The Shy Kid - magnificent
As parents, we understand that not all children are self-sufficient in themselves. Some are shy, favoring to hide in their rooms when strangers come home or refusing to speak in front of people. As shy children grow up, they feel inferior to the more convinced ones and want to be like them. Shy kids have fewer possibilities to develop social skills, have fewer friends, and increase feelings of loneliness in most cases. It is necessary never to call your child 'shy' in the presence of other people. No child will grow to be self-sufficient and independent if the parent is hovering over him all the time.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] I Was The Shy Kid](https://www.scarymommy.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/shy-kids.png?w=700)
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Comment replies consisting solely of images will be removed. Mod posts Serious posts Megathread Breaking news Unfilter. How did the "shy kid" Ruin the popular kid's reputation? Beat the shit out of him. The shy kid warned him several times to stop bullying him.

Popular kid wasn't so popular after. Sort of but he didn't want to be the popular one so he kinda just nodded his head hello to people and kept on his business. I had a few conversations with him but was never really friends with him. He always spoke with a polite manner, had a smile and was helpful when needed.
Which some people mistook for weakness.

Same happened to some guy I met at a party, he was getting bullied and one day snapped and took out 4 years of anger on that popular kid, they ended up needing four people to stop him and the bully was damn near beat to death with his life on the line when the ambulance got there. Guy ended up disfigurated for life Tue never went back to the school.
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There were witnesses too so it wasn't bullshit. Don't mess with people you can't afford to mess with. Kicked out from his school, don't think anything else happened.]

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