How Effective Is The Youth Justice System -

How Effective Is The Youth Justice System Video

Rethinking the Role of the Juvenile Justice System [WEBINAR]

How Effective Is The Youth Justice System - advise

This report identifies those blessings, including committed staff putting children first to keep them safe. But the curses, for example isolation from friends, family and colleagues, must also be uncovered and addressed as the pandemic continues. Inspectors found that leaders and managers at a local and partnership level responded quickly to the needs of children and families. Methods of working and the delivery of services were reviewed, prioritising those children in greatest need and the safety of the workforce. Planning was shared with staff teams and was reviewed and adapted as lessons were learned and the pandemic progressed. Children and families remained at the heart of the work; inspectors found examples of innovation, care and commitment to supporting children. Many were already facing significant difficulties, and they were supported to cope with the additional trauma that the coronavirus and lockdown brought. The alignment of YOTs with local authorities and their ability to plan with and alongside partners allowed them to respond flexibly to local need. How Effective Is The Youth Justice System

For many of them violence, addiction and abuse was part of everyday life. But Te Puna Wai is their second chance — a chance to turn around and get their lives back on track. The residence is one of four Oranga Tamariki youth justice residences in New Zealand and the only one on the South Island.

Stephen Gray knows all about second chances.

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As a teen, irresponsible behaviour led Gray to a point where he had to choose: Utilise the one opportunity he's got, or maybe end up in the same place where these young people now find themselves. He chose the former. Gray's parents came to New Zealand from Samoa and worked hard to give their children the opportunities they needed. A budding rugby star at a young age, Gray went off the rails during his teenage years. I started to drink, meet girls and party a lot. here

How Effective Is The Youth Justice System

In he moved to Japan to play professional club rugby, even though he could not speak a word of Japanese. I knew it was either that or I could have ended up just like our young people here [at Te Puna Wai].

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Today Gray speaks fluent Japanese and boasts a degree in sociology. After a successful rugby career in Japan, he went on to work in finance as a broker in Tokyo and London and travelled the world.

How Effective Is The Youth Justice System

But living his life as high-flyer jet-setting across the world was not what Gray wanted to do with his life. Four years ago he decided to return to New Zealand to pursue what he had never been able to: to give back. Gray designs programmes for the young people at Te Puna Wai to pass on not only the skills he had learnt throughout his career, but also the values that got him there. Hopefully I get to inspire them to break away from their tunnel vision and realise there is more out there in the world — they Yoouth go see it.

His greatest reward is running into a former Te Puna Wai inmate and hearing how well they were doing. It is good for my soul. There are young people in youth justice residences in New Zealand of which only 11 are female. Between and young Justicr are admitted How Effective Is The Youth Justice System the residences every year.

The next chapter in the fight for our children’s future starts now.

Te Puna Wai can accommodate up to 40 boys at once, but it is rarely at capacity. Some of them manage to stay Efective of trouble. Others don't. A year-old boy at Te Puna Wai tells us he has been there for the past two months, but in and out of the residence since he was ]

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