![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Health Behaviors Is Not Always Motivated By](http://nami.org/NAMI/media/NAMI-Media/Images/learnmore-mentalhealthconditions.jpg)
Health Behaviors Is Not Always Motivated By Video
HOW TO STAY MOTIVATED TO LOSE WEIGHT Health Behaviors Is Not Always Motivated By.The theory of reasoned action TRA or ToRA aims to explain the relationship between attitudes and behaviors within human action. It is mainly used to predict how individuals will behave based on their pre-existing attitudes and behavioral intentions. An individual's decision to engage in a particular behavior is based on the outcomes the individual expects will come as a result of performing the behavior.
Developed Mltivated Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen inthe theory derived from previous research in social psychologypersuasion models, and attitude theories.

Fishbein's theories suggested a relationship between attitude and behaviors the A-B relationship. However, critics estimated that attitude theories were not proving to be good indicators of human behavior [ citation needed ].

The TRA was later revised and expanded by the two theorists in the following decades to overcome any discrepancies in the A-B relationship with the theory of planned behavior TPB and reasoned action approach RAA. The theory is also used in communication discourse as a theory of understanding. The primary purpose of the TRA is to understand an individual's voluntary behavior by examining the underlying basic motivation to perform an action.
According to the theory, intention to perform a certain behavior precedes the actual Health Behaviors Is Not Always Motivated By. Behavioral intention is important to the theory because these intentions "are determined by attitudes to behaviors and subjective norms". A positivistic approach to behavior research, TRA attempts to predict and explain one's intention of performing a certain behavior. The theory requires that behavior be clearly defined in terms of the four following concepts: Action e. According to TRA, attitudes are one of the key determinants of behavioral intention and refer to the way people feel towards a particular behavior. Alternatively, if one believes that a certain behavior will lead to an undesirable or unfavorable outcome, then one is more likely to have a negative attitude towards the behavior. Behavioral belief allows us to understand people's motivations for their behavior in terms of the behavior's consequences. Here, the behavioral belief is that studying for a month is equated with success, whereas not studying at all is associated with failure.
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The evaluation of the outcome refers to the way people perceive and evaluate the potential outcomes of a performed behavior. Conversely, a person may evaluate the outcome of quitting smoking cigarettes as negative if the behavioral belief is weight gain after smoking cessation. Subjective norms are also one of the key determinants of behavioral intention and refer to the way perceptions of relevant groups or individuals such as family members, friends, and peers may affect one's performance of the behavior. Alternatively, if one's friends groups perceive that the behavior is bad, one will be less likely to engage in recreational drug use.
However, subjective norms also take into account people's motivation to comply with their social circle's views and perceptionswhich vary depending on the situation and the individual's motivations. Normative beliefs touch on whether or not referent groups approve of the action. There exists a direct correlation between normative beliefs and performance of the behavior.
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Usually, the more likely the referent groups will approve of the action, the more likely the individual perform will the act. Conversely, the less likely the referent groups will approve of the action, the less likely the individual will perform the act. Motivation to comply addresses the fact that individuals may or may not comply with social norms of the referent groups surrounding the act. Depending on the individual's motivations in terms of adhering to social pressuresthe individual will either succumb to the social pressures of performing continue reading act if it is deemed acceptable, or alternatively will resist to the social pressures of performing the act if it is Motivaetd unacceptable.
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Behavioral intention is a function of both attitudes and subjective norms toward that behavior also known as the normative component. Attitudes being how strongly one holds the attitude toward the act and subjective norms being the social norms associated with the act.

The stronger the attitude and the more positive the subjective norm, the higher the A-B relationship should be. However, the attitudes and subjective norms are unlikely to be weighted equally in predicting behavior. Depending on the individual and situation, these factors might have different impacts on behavioral intentionthus a weight is associated with each of these factors.
The TRA theorists note Motigated there are three conditions that can affect the relationship between behavioral intention and behavior. The first condition is that "the measure of intention must correspond with respect to their levels of specificity". The second condition is that there must be "stability of intentions between time of measurement and performance of behavior".]
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