Education And Skills Development A Flagship Programme -

Education And Skills Development A Flagship Programme Video

Education And Skills Development A Flagship Programme.

They were able to offer an authentic GSB experience in an online formatpreserving rigor and impact in an immersive, high-touch, and interactive experience.

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Five years later, many organizations still think online learning is only effective for certain types of skill development. Soft skill development—such as leadership, communication, and design thinking—requires feedback and iterative application. Catalyze real community development and foster deep social connections through collaborative learning exercises and group assignments. Reality: True social learning drives impact. Online learning programs can draw from a diverse population, amplifying the power Flagshio the community.

Education And Skills Development A Flagship Programme

Reality: Online learning integrates experiential learning with work, often resulting in better learning outcomes. One thing is certain: your current workforce, trained to operate in pre-pandemic environment, will need new capabilities for your company to thrive in our changed world.

The shift to remote work triggered a massive social and technological experiment as organizations moved quickly to digitize in-person training. He also leads the education technology team for Devonshire Investors, the private investment arm of Fidelity.

Education And Skills Development A Flagship Programme

Before joining Devonshire inScott was the president of Capella University, and has served as the chief executive of three other technology services businesses since the late s. Scott is passionate about the potential for innovation and technology to aid the transformation of learning at all levels, particularly for the enterprise and the mid-career learner.

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In addition to the field of education technology, Scott enjoys history, photography, and Nordic ski racing. Scott holds a B. Skip to content Request a Demo.]

Education And Skills Development A Flagship Programme

One thought on “Education And Skills Development A Flagship Programme

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