Colonization in Kenya Video
The Legacy of British Colonialism Is Still Dividing KenyaColonization in Kenya - opinion
It was established when the former East Africa Protectorate was transformed into a British Crown colony in The colony came to an end in when a black majority government was elected for the first time and eventually declared independence as Kenya. The Colony and Protectorate of Kenya was established on 11 June when the territories of the former East Africa Protectorate except those parts of that Protectorate over which His Majesty the Sultan of Zanzibar had sovereignty were annexed by the UK. In the s natives objected to the reservation of the White Highlands for Europeans, especially British war veterans. Bitterness grew between the natives and the Europeans. Du Bois wrote in an article which would be incorporated into the pivotal Harlem Renaissance text The New Negro , [10] [11]. Here was a land largely untainted by the fevers of the tropics and here England proposed to send her sick and impoverished soldiers of the war. Following the lead of South Africa , she took over five million acres of the best lands from the 3,, natives, herded them gradually toward the swamps and gave them, even there, no sure title; then by taxation she forced sixty percent of the black adults into working for the ten thousand white owners for the lowest wage. Here was opportunity not simply for the great landholder and slave-driver but also for the small trader, and twenty-four thousand Indians came.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Colonization in Kenya](
European colonial rule in British East Africa began in the year Almost immediately, the British government constructed a railway to link the coastal city of Mombasa and Lake Victoria in the hinterland. This was completed in December To pay for the railway, the new Administration encouraged settler farmers Colonization in Kenya take up land in the highlands.

Soon thousands of farmers were taking up land in what came to be known as the White Highlands. It was not until when the first Adventist missionaries arrived there.
They primarily focused their work on the African people. The establishment of Adventism in British East Keyna among the European settlers came later, specifically through the period to They established the Gendia Mission on the eastern shores of Lake Victoria and began their work among the Luo people. There was no organized effort to reach the European settlers who were occupying the fertile highlands of Kenya. It was not until a South African farmer named David Sparrow and his family took up land in the highlands and became the first Colonization in Kenya non-missionary Adventists in Source East Africa.
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They began to spread the Gospel message among the Nandi people bringing to the faith several people and families and planting a church before they returned to South Africa in Other than reaching out to the Nandi, the Sparrows reached out to the Afrikaans-speaking and English-speaking European settlers who farmed the plateau.
The distributed tracts in both languages into their homes. The next Adventist to settle on the Plateau after the Sparrows was Colonization in Kenya. She came with her husband Hendrik Willem Kruger and their two sons.
The Krugers settled in Kitale, about 60 miles from the Sparrow farm. This meant that they could not hold regular Sabbath services as often as they would have liked.

The fastest way to get there was by ox-cart and if they had to meet, one week went into that arrangement. The Sparrows would leave on Wednesday morning to arrive on Friday evening at the Kruger farm in time for Sabbath. They then left on Sunday to arrive on their farm on Tuesday evening. He married Ida Billes in and had a son named Derek.

This added to the Adventist numbers. Before moving to Kenya, he lived in Ventersdorp in South Africa where he worked as a blacksmith. The European settlers then organized themselves into a church and met regularly in their homes thanks to improvements in transportation.]
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