Government Spending of Tax Dollars -

Government Spending of Tax Dollars Video

Government Budget Comparison : How Are Your Tax Dollars Spent?

Government Spending of Tax Dollars - right

CBO's regular budget publications include semiannual reports on the budget and economic outlook, annual reports on the President's budget and the long-term budget picture, and a biannual set of options for reducing budget deficits. CBO also prepares cost estimates and mandate statements for nearly all bills that are reported by Congressional committees. Numerous analytic studies provide more in-depth analysis of specific budgetary issues. The deficit in was equal to The Treasury Department will report the actual deficit for the year later this month. CBO presents its projections of what federal deficits, debt, spending, and revenues would be for the next 30 years if current laws governing taxes and spending generally did not change. However, that comparison is distorted by shifts in the timing of certain payments. Government Spending of Tax Dollars Government Spending of Tax Dollars Government Spending of Tax Dollars

First of all, the debt is not imaginary. However, it is the working class taxpayer who will pay back this debt, and the republicans have made it abundantly clear time and again that they do not care about the working class or the poor. What Sepnding am saying is that the debt is only a pretext, it is not the real reason that republicans are not allowing a stimulus to go through.

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The republicans click attach the interests of their wealthy donors to anything they do. In the recession, Obama sent a stimulus check to working Americans but in order to let the stimulus checks be approved, the rep. In the recession, Obama sent a stimulus check to working Americans but in order to let the stimulus checks be approved, the republicans required massive corporate welfare payments to the banks and big corporations and the ultra rich.

Government Spending of Tax Dollars

In that instance, taxpayers had to take on the debt for the stimulus package even though only about 12 percent of the stimulus went to the middle class and 88 percent went to the rich. In the previous Covid stimulus, more than 80 percent of the money went to mega corporations, including much of the funds which were supposed to go to small businesses in the PPP program.

At present, the stimulus has been held up because democrats want money to go to depleted municipal budgets to pay first responders and other urgent services, but republicans two things: they want 75 percent to go to the rich, which the democrats have agreed to in order to get that 25 percent into the hands of the rest of us; and they want legal protections for businesses that willfully and knowingly choose to put their employees and customers at risk of Covid, such as ordering Government Spending of Tax Dollars not to wear masks, for example. Nancy Pelosi has been unwilling to give businesses a blank check like that, and this is why the stimulus has been held up Government Spending of Tax Dollars this long.

Government Spending of Tax Dollars Essay

It has nothing to do with the debt, though the republicans say it does. The republicans dont care about the debt because they and their rich donors dont pay taxes.

Government Spending of Tax Dollars

Great scam they got going. Make no mistake, the stimulus is being held up by senate republicans because they want to please their donors. It has nothing at all to do with the debt, and it is just a smoke screen when they say that it does. Because people and some industries are suffering through no fault of their own.


And the debt is no imaginary it is real. The government does not make money it taxes productive entities to get money. The government has a vested interest in having inflation forcing people to take more risks to keep ahead of currency devaluation and taxes.]

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