A Short Note On Diabetic Retinopathy Dr - something also
Abstract— Diabetic Retinopathy DR is the deterioration of human eye as a result of increase in the blood glucose level. Longer the patient has DR, higher the chance to develop purblind. The robust detection of lesions in digital colour fundus images is an important step in the development of automated screening system for diabetic retinopathy. In this work a novel method is introduced for automatic detection of red lesions in the fundus image. A new set of shape features extracted from the detected. Diabetic retinopathy DR is a common microvascular complication of diabetes1. The presentation of DR is a visual indication of longstanding diabetes and is a significant cause of vision impairment. In , it was estimated there were million sufferers worldwide 1 in 11 , increasing to million 1 in 10 2 by A Short Note On Diabetic Retinopathy Dr![[BKEYWORD-0-3] A Short Note On Diabetic Retinopathy Dr](http://www.frontiersin.org/files/Articles/87262/fendo-05-00044-HTML/image_m/fendo-05-00044-g004.jpg)
A Short Note On Diabetic Retinopathy ( Dr ) Is The Deterioration Of Human Eye
Diabetic retinopathy is a primary cause of adult blindness in the US. This area is called the retina and may be affected by swelling of vessels, bursting of vessels, and bleeding, making it difficult for you to see, leading to blindness. High blood Retinopatthy affects blood vessels in the retina, causing them to swell and bleed, leading to blindness if left untreated. In the initial stages, diabetic retinopathy has no significant symptoms, resulting in slight, blurry visions that further develop with time.
A Brief Note On Diabetic Retinopathy ( Dr ) Is A Common Microvascular Complication
The condition has two significant steps and affects individuals suffering from type one and two diabetes. The two diabetic retinopathy stages include.

Non-proliferative retinopathy has three steps that are either mild, moderate, or severe. Depending on the intensity of your NPDR, a patient with diabetes will go from mild blurriness to full-blown short-sightedness or loss of vision.

NPDR occurs when tiny blood vessels located in the retina bleed. The blood vessels cause the macula, which is the yellow area in your retina responsible for the strongest vision, to swell in macular condition edema, a common cause of vision loss across diabetic patients. The condition can also get experienced by the closure of blood vessels known as macular ischemia, a condition where blood cannot reach the macular, making your vision blurry.
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy is an advanced diabetic eye disease case characterized by neovascularization. This refers to the retina growing new blood vessels.
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The danger with this is the bleeding blocks your vision, and especially if they bleed a lot, then your eye is completely blocked, hindering you from seeing anything. The new blood vessels that often bleed cause scar tissues that affect the retina and macula, leading to vision loss.

This stage of diabetic eye disease is severe and can cause irreversible damage. Depending on how severe your eye problem is will determine which retinopathy treatment option gets enlisted.
Some of the treatment options include. The use of laser treatment occurs in severe cases of diabetic retinopathy. The use of laser treatment also shrinks blood vessels and prevents them from growing, protecting the macula, and correcting any swelling of blood vessels around the area.]
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