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The Rights Of The United Kingdom And The Rights Of The United Kingdom And

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It came into force when the instruments of ratification were exchanged on 27 Mayand was registered by the Chinese and British governments at the United Nations on 12 June In the Joint Declaration, the Chinese government stated that it would resume the exercise of its sovereignty over Hong Kong including the British territories of Hong Kong Island and Kowloonand the leased New Territories from 1 Julyand the British Government declared that it would hand over Hong Kong to China on 1 July The Chinese government also declared The Rights Of The United Kingdom And basic policies regarding Hong Kong in the document.

In accordance with the " one country, two systems " principle agreed between the UK and China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region HKSAR would not practise the socialist system in mainland China, and Hong Kong's existing capitalist system and way of life would be unchanged for 50 years until Whether the Declaration has practical effect after the transfer of see more of Hong Kong is disputed by China, which said it is a "historical document that no longer had any practical significance", while the UK said that it is a "legally valid treaty to which it was committed to upholding".

The prospect of Hong Kong's return to Chinese rule — by negotiation or by force — had been a concern throughout British rule. These concerns briefly subsided after as mainland China was thrown into disarray with the Cultural Revolutionwhile the corresponding Hong Kong leftist riots resulted in a loss of native Hong Kong support for returning to PRC rule, and brought international sympathy to the side of the British colonial government. ByChina had restored its political order and became more assertive in neighboring affairs, notably intervening in Vietnam in Throughout the early s the territory and its business community grew concerned about the future of Hong Kong.

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During this visit, informal talks about the future of Hong Kong began. Upon his return, MacLehose attempted to allay investors' worries about the scheduled reversion, but reiterated that the PRC asserted its intention to regain sovereignty over Hong Kong. During the following discussions, where the Governor of Hong Kong took part in every round of formal talks as a member of the The Rights Of The United Kingdom And delegation, it became clear that the continuation of British administration after would not be acceptable to China in any form. In Aprilthe two sides concluded the initial discussion of these matters, and arranged that Hong Kong would retain a 'high' degree of autonomy under Chinese sovereignty with the preservation of the maintained lifestyle in Hong Kong. Some political analysts thought that there was an urgency to make an agreement because there were fears that without a treaty the economy in Hong Kong would collapse in the s.

Concerns about land ownership in the leased New Territories also added to the problem. Although discussions on the future of Hong Kong had started in the late s, the final timing of the Joint Declaration was more affected by property and economic factors rather than geopolitical necessities.

The Rights Of The United Kingdom And

Each part has the same status, and "The whole makes up a formal international agreement, legally binding in all its parts. An international agreement of this kind is the highest form of commitment between two sovereign states. It shall be allowed to have executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication.

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The Basic Law explains that in addition to Chinese, English Unted also be used in organs of government and that apart from the national flag and national emblem of the PRC the HKSAR may use a regional flag and emblem of its own. It shall maintain the capitalist economic and trade systems previously practised in Hong Kong.

The Rights Of The United Kingdom And

The Government of the United Kingdom will be responsible for the administration of Hong Kong with the object of maintaining and preserving its Righte prosperity and social stability until 30 June and the Government of the PRC will give its co-operation in this connection. Furthermore, this declaration regulates the right of abode, those of passports and immigration. All Chinese nationals who were born or who have ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of seven years or more are qualified to obtain permanent identity cards.

The Rights Of The United Kingdom And

But the entry into the HKSAR of persons from other parts of China shall continue to be regulated in accordance with the present practice. This annexe is called the Elaboration by the government of the People's Republic of China of its basic policies regarding Hong Kong. It is partly mentioned in the summary above and deals in detail with the way Hong Kong will work after 1 July The annexe consist of Thhe sections:.]

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