The Renaissance in Europe - think
Tickets are limited. Armor attributed to Richard Holden. Dirk H. The field of arms and armor is beset with romantic legends, gory myths, and widely held misconceptions. Their origins usually are to be found in a lack of knowledge of, and experience with, genuine objects and their historical background. Most of them are utter nonsense, devoid of any historical base. In other instances, certain technical details that escape an obvious explanation have become the focus of lurid and fantastically imaginative attempts to explain their original function. Among these, the lance rest, an object protruding from the proper right side of many breastplates, probably holds first place. First, knights rarely fought alone, nor did medieval and Renaissance armies consist entirely of mounted knights. Although knights were the dominant force of most of these armies, they were invariably—and with time increasingly so—supported and opposed by foot soldiers, such as archers, pikemen, crossbowmen, and handgunners. The Renaissance in Europe.The Renaissance was a cultural revitalization that spread across Europe, and had repercussions across the globe, but one smallish city-state in Italy was in many ways the epicenter of the thing.
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Florence, or as Italians might say, Firenze, was the home to a seemingly inordinate amount of the art, architecture, literature, and cultural output of the Renaissance. Artists like Michelangelo, Leonardo daVinci, Sandro Boticelli, and many others were associated with the city, and the money of patrons like the Medici family made a lot of the art possible.
Our Renaissajce Hunt, Lynn et al.
The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures, 6th ed. Boston: Bedford St.

Martins, Donald R. Kelley, Renaissance Humanism. Boston: Twayne, Crash Course is on Patreon! Thanks to the following patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:. Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? NewsPM is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry.
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1. Armor was worn only by knights.—Wrong.
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