The Evolution of Man Video
Human Origins 101 - National Geographic The Evolution of ManNavigation menu
There is a common and well-known expression that man is the pinnacle of evolution. However, it is not true. Moreover, this is not difficult to understand if you start to understand. Man is not the most adapted species As one of the signs of human perfection it is indicated that Evolutkon can perfectly adapt to almost any conditions.

They are able to survive anywhere, both underground, and on uninhabited islands, and at great depths. True, a person needs a lot of adaptations for this, which already casts doubt on his ability to adapt, since it depends on conditions. However, microorganisms have seriously overtaken humans in the ability to Eolution to anything. They can survive in the crater of a volcano, and in salt lakes, and in eternal ice.
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There are suggestions that microorganisms are able to survive even travel in space, and without any protection. And this means that link adaptation they have far bypassed us. Impact on the environment Msn is generally accepted that man has a huge impact on the environment and even on the formation of the planet itself. True, it is difficult to unequivocally assess the nature of this very influence and draw conclusions about whether we can be considered the top or, rather, a parasite in relation to the Earth.
However, even in this respect, everything is far from so unambiguous. The fact is that plants have had no less, and in some places even greater impact on the formation of the planet. Thanks to them, oil appeared, whole layers of various rocks, minerals were formed.

Also, plants for the most part influenced the composition of the planet's air. Without them, life would be impossible in the form in which it exists now.
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Therefore, in this aspect, there is no unambiguity. Although it must be admitted that humans have an impressive potential to transform the environment. Intelligence We used to think that intelligence gives us advantages. But if it leads to the fact that a person, creating new discoveries, finding new ways of using polymers, destroys the habitat, then consciousness will turn against the species.
And from this Evoolution The Evolution of Man view, trees that do not have consciousness, read article do not do anything that casts doubt on the fact of their own survival, may be a more preferable development option.
Brain Size Another argument in favor of humans is their significant brain size.]
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