The Ethics of Leadership Video
\The Ethics of Leadership - speaking, opinion
Your contribution can help change lives. Donate now. Learn more. The head of the state funding agency suggests to you that you simply close down a site. That means both laying off dedicated staff members and denying services to a community and a group of people that has come to rely on you. How do you handle the situation? Or think about this: You get wind from a contact at a foundation about a grant possibility that would be perfect for a collaboration with another organization. At the same time, you realize that your organization could probably successfully apply alone, and end up with a much larger amount of money than if you applied with a partner. The Ethics of Leadership.
Nov 7 students. Some of the material covered in earlier modules is integrated into this LASA assignment. If you have questions about what is expected of you in this assignment, bring them up immediately.
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Illegal downloading of music Sale of low-end wines to poor areas Kathy Lee Gifford and unethical practices of supplier factories Environmental damage from the BP oil spill. What are the relevant facts of the case? What The Ethics of Leadership are not known? Do you know enough to draw a conclusion? What, if any, additional information would you seek? Is this issue about more than what is legal or what is most efficient? If so, how? What was the role of company leadership in this case? How did they impact the case in both the positive and negative way? What individuals and groups have an important stake in the outcome? Are some concerns more important than others? Why do these groups take precedence? Do you agree with this precedence?

What are the options for acting? Evaluate the options by asking the following questions:. Could this decision or situation be more damaging to someone or to some group? What are the cross cultural dimensions involved? How can all the relevant persons and groups be consulted? How can the action decision be implemented with the greatest care and attention to the concerns of all stakeholders? Be Tje about the cross-cultural dimensions to your answer. Discuss how all stakeholders might be persuaded to this course of action, pointing out cultural issues, as appropriate.
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In your paper, show how you would present the relevant information as it would be communicated to various stakeholders at a level of detail and sophistication needed to be persuasive. What can the The Ethics of Leadership learn from this specific situation? What have you learned from this case that you can apply immediately in your own career or life experience? Our custom essay writing service has already gained a positive reputation in this business field.
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