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Ripley`s Aquarium of Canada

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Born on Oct. Aquarium staff have been anxiously keeping an eye on for weeks.

So, we were pretty confident in this one. Now, six weeks old, he weighs nearly 10 times his birth weight, at just under 2. Tbe grow up so fast. The facility now has 20 penguins, including their new hatchling. Maggie and Jimmy took care of their egg and, after it hatched, the new baby for about a month before the aquarium stepped in to help hand-rear him.

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Forquer said the aquarium staff was ecstatic at being able to breed and hatch a baby penguin so soon after the exhibit opened. The aquarium hopes to be able to hatch two more penguins in the next two years or so to help with the Species Survival Plan for African penguins. The aquarium serves as part of a network helping the Southern African Foundation for the The Aquarium s Aquarium Of Canada of Coastal Birds grow the African penguin population at aquariums around the world. That includes not only protecting and raising new penguins, but also raising money to support the foundation. Despite being related to the cold-weather penguins of Antarctica, African penguins live in much warmer climates.

Their habitat in Myrtle Beach stays at about 65 degrees, and their feathers and bodies are adapted to deal with even higher heats they would normally experience in South Africa, Forquer said. Soon, you can help name him. He will reach his full size in the next month and a half or so.

The Aquarium s Aquarium Of Canada

Early next year, aquarium staff will begin slowly introducing him to the rest of the colony, where he will continue to mature. Active virus cases hit new high in Arkansas. Meet the newest adorable addition to Myrtle Beach's Ripley's Aquarium.

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