![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The War Of The Union And Confederate](http://www.dioramic.com/dioramic/Civil_War_Facts_files/TerritoriesConfederate%20StatesBorder%20StatesUnion%20StatesMo.Ky.W.V.KansasIowaIll.Ind.OhioPa.Indian.png)
The War Of The Union And Confederate - any dialogue
Condition is varies, there are some confederate items in this lot, like led finals for cartridge boxes, and other odds and ends. I will accept the first fair offer on everything. Skip to main content. Email to friends Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab. Add to Watchlist. People who viewed this item also viewed. Picture Information. Mouse over to Zoom - Click to enlarge. Have one to sell? The War Of The Union And Confederate.Born in Bedford County, Tenn. He removed to Hen Miss. In fighting he was the Stonewall Jack- son of the West. United States Senator John W.

Infill man! He fell the field as Blind Tom. His lovely Christian wife died in Memphis only a year or two sine. On return- ing from Mexico he was appointed Major General of fchi.
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In tie- Hood Campaign he commanded one of the three Corps. Their live children— three sons ami two. Day and Night Classes all I fie 5 ear. Hours from K a. Elovon in Faculty. Besl patronized Buslm as College In the South. Cheap Hoard.
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The only school in the Smith devoted exclusively to the training of young ladies and gentlemen In Shorthand and Typewriting. The Academy Is under the personal direction of a veteran teacher and reporter— a veteran a double Ov, hav ng commenced the study of phonography thirty years ago, while a prisoner of war in Uoek Island, Illinois.
There never was a better Beer brewed, and never before has any Beer obtained such a reputation in so short a time, as. By l Ins route passengers leave Nashville at 8.

Infirmary, Southeast corner Broad ami High streets, Is now open for the reception of pap tlents. Patients will be charged onlyfor ma- terial 1 1. Competent In- structors always present to direct the work. Nashville, Tenn. Eratered ;ii tin- Postoffioe, Nashville. Oue page, one time, special. Dlsoount: Ha I one-Issue; one year, i Issue. This is ao Increase on former rate. Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. M Important or an; thing thai has nol special merit.
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The date t. With tlii- greeting to patrons of the Vetj ran for the nevt year there musl be explanation and apology for delay in issue. Some of these may be expected in February, Review of many hooks ami matters of interest to com- rades has been unavoidably delayed. However, with better facilities than ever, with restored health, ami with the assured approval of all people who honor the. The time of issuing the Veteran has been from the 12th to the IMh of the month, although it has heen designed to bring it to the first.
Confederate Magazine 1895 Volume 3
It is considered best, however, to have publication day at about the middle. Therefore patrons every where may not expect it before the 15th, close to which day it may he. So much a- a Suggestion. A sentiment ha- I ieen growing for month- to which refer- ence is now made, which is in behalf of Union soldiers who were tired hy the kind of patriot ism that inspired Andrew. To met a demand from every section of tie South t,, issues of the Veteran tor I, which cannot be. Tin price will he twenty-live.]
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