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Taking a Look at Domestic Violence 26

Taking a Look at Domestic Violence - your place

The link between domestic violence and substance abuse is undeniable. An intimate partner in their lives has abused almost 1 in 5 women. In many cases, drugs or alcohol play a part in abusive behavior. However, with substance use and domestic violence treatment , this behavior can change. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior by an intimate partner in any relationship. This abuse is to gain and maintain control and power over the other partner. But, when domestic violence and substance abuse collide, the abuse can quickly spiral out of control. Being a victim of domestic violence can even trigger the misuse of drugs or alcohol. In fact, women who are victims of abuse are 9 times more likely to misuse drugs, and 15 times more likely to misuse alcohol. Taking a Look at Domestic Violence. Taking a Look at Domestic Violence

Urge the Senate to pass the next COVID relief package Urge Congress to act now to pass a COVID relief package that addresses the housing, economic, and physical and mental health needs of survivors of domestic and sexual violence and the advocates that serve them.

Taking a Look at Domestic Violence

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Taking a Look at Domestic Violence

By reaching out through the Internet, we empower survivors to lead independent lives, free from abuse. Learn more about how you can get involved to end domestic violence.

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Download our free conversation guides, resources, and coloring pages; listen to our EmpowermentPlaylist on YouTube and Spotify; check out our shareable infographics; and more. Violence Free Colorado helps to bridge programs and Looj work done on behalf of survivors, provides opportunities for advocates to come together to learn and network, and gives survivors and advocates a unified voice among decision makers and Taking a Look at Domestic Violence.

NNEDV and The Allstate Foundation are working together to raise awareness and provide resources so that everyone can pursue their financial goals safely. Learn more technology safety tips. There is always a computer trail, but you can leave this site quickly.

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History has been made. Read more. Take Action Now! Biden, Jr. Join Us! Read More.]

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