Solution to Hunger in America Video
Why food won't solve the problem of hunger - Nick Saul - TEDxToronto Solution to Hunger in AmericaProvide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit.
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Please let me know if you have any questions or see more revisions. The documentary shows the experiences of the African slaves in America as they provided labor in the plantation farms, especially in the south. Slavery began in the 17th century, where Africans were sold and shipped to the Americas to provide human labor in the south's vast plantation farms.
In when the American Revolution Solution to Hunger in America, it was estimated that one out of five Americans was held in slavery Aharon presentations, Most of the slaves served in plantation farms, cooked meals, and guarded homes. The country holds most Africans as slaves as its constitution did not provide a means of ending the practice until ]

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