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Recycling For Sustainability And Commerce. Recycling For Sustainability And Commerce

Every week, the Earth team combs news and research for interesting ideas and stories about the challenges of creating a sustainable world. Sometimes it is good news we Recycing all celebrate, sometimes it is bad news or a seemingly intractable challenge that should make us double-down on finding new solutions. We call it the Earth Reader and we hope you find it useful.

Recycling For Sustainability And Commerce

The journal of science, Naturedeparted from its usual arms-length distance from politics to examine the implications of the U. Presidential election for five major scientific issues: pandemic response; climate change; research and respect for scientific conclusions; space exploration, and; international research collaboration.

Trump, by contrast, has essentially wished away the results of testing programs. Robust space exploration is another headline topic, one Trump has talked up but does not invest in supporting. But it is the return to apolitical research agendas Recyclinf will make the most significant long-term difference to progress and, specifically, addressing climate change.

Read it for yourself and decide, then vote on Nov. A new U.

Recycling For Sustainability And Commerce

The researchers conducted 37 different experiments in urban and rural neighborhoods across the U. For example, they dropped stamped but unmailed letters to see if people would place them in a post box, a classic test of the willingness to help others. They found no difference between cities and rural towns. They found that people are less inclined to be helpful in low-income urban neighborhoods than in wealthy locales.

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We all need to acknowledge that people everywhere can be pleasant, helpful, and friendly instead of distrustful because of where they live. That is the basis for shared concerns and constructive debate sorely needed to solve the climate crisis and provide shared prosperity for all. Colorado State University researchers have determined how it takes long small-particle pollution, such as the smoke from wildfires or car exhaust, to settle on the ground. Previous research had underestimated the lifetime of the smallest Recycling For Sustainability And Commerce particles. The insight is a key component of an improved climate model that better assesses the short- Sustainwbility long-term impact of natural and human-emitted particles in the atmosphere.

The information can also help assess health risks from particulate pollution. The University of Leeds in the U. Technical progress is critical to achieving the required efficiencies for prosperous living. The study confirms that a sustainable economy does not mean lifestyles must revert to pre-industrial levels of subsistence, Sustainabilkty Daily reports.

However, renewables already represent half of the energy needed to deliver decent lives to the entire planet. Joel Millward-Hopkins AAnd. A team of researchers from the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University warn that climate change has pushed the Amazon toward a tipping point that could erase the habitat of tens of thousands of species over a few decades.

Recycling For Sustainability And Commerce

It also supports vast numbers of uncatalogued species that could help humans develop technology and medicine through biomimicry. While the researchers say the Amazon could recover over many decades, the transition to wooded grasslands may be irreversible without immediate restoration action. Once lost, many trees, plants, animals, and microorganisms will not be recoverable.

Public transportation is a keystone of many CO2 reduction strategies.

News and Information for Recycling Professionals

If local transit funding is cut due to voter apathy in the face of COVID, it could cripple efforts to reduce internal combustion vehicle traffic. Commuter trains in California, light rail and a subway in Sustwinability, and rail service around Atlanta are just a few of the issues voters will consider. Will the short-term disruption of public transit lead to failed referendums? You can learn about and support campaigns for public transit by joining Voices for Public Transport.]

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