What does it mean to think sociologically - apologise, but
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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Sociologicallt contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. I think that the tactics are incredibly divisive and unproductive. For many people, the movement has actually made them care far less about police killings than they did before.
Destructive riots and blocking traffic does not make others sympathetic to your cause - it makes them want to see you fail.

Secondly, the title ignores the fact many white people find police brutality to be a big problem in their lives as well. There was a meme that went around a while back about a dinner, where one child didn't What does it mean to think sociologically food, and said paraphrasing "I need my fair share". The father responded "everyone needs their fair share", which ignored that only one child didn't get their fair share of food.
This is not a good analogy. To many white people, they too are sitting there with no food, and see only the first child getting attention for it. This is the basis of "all lives matter", and why some people are sociologiccally off by the laser-like focus on black victims.
In a similar line, there is decent evidence out there that police killings aren't really over-targeting black people at all. This type of information is well researched, but gets very little coverage. This connects to my second point as well. Here are some links:.

Basically, black victims are over-represented in police shootings, but not when you consider many relevant factors. The implicit bias study suggests the bias actually goes the other way officers are quicker to shoot white suspects.

Also, the percentage of police shooting victims who are black is smaller than the percentage of officers who are killed by a black suspect.]
I am sorry, it does not approach me. Who else, what can prompt?
Bravo, the excellent answer.